Any new pics of guys hanging with dress shoes or boots on?
Does anyone have more picture of mya funeral on 'Uncoverreality'?

Hello everyone, I hope things are going well on your side. I'm looking for photos of dead guys in the snow. Do you have any?

Looking to get a reupload of this thread, I think about 3 videos? I know it’s been a while but would LOVE to “review” them…..
Does anyone have photos of the 2014 Bataclan Theater massacre in Paris? I remember seeing a pic of a couple bloody shirtless corpses on the bloody dance floor. Since they were gunned down while dancing, many guys were shirtless. Lots of cute dead guys lying on the blood-smeared dance floor. Would love to relive the moment.:tognue2::yummy2::tognue2::yummy2:
I love browsing old threads here is the link to the original thread we posted when it happened I remember that pic and still have it.
Have you gotten any vids of the truck plowing thru the crowd in New Orleans? Bodies flying. Bodies crushed. What fun!