Love parade in Germany Death Pics ? Anyone ?

Look for the separate thread on this in the 'sick news' section - vids and pics starting to be posted there.
gosh you people are fucking sick, just watching naked half naked dead guys and calling him cute etc.. i'm here only because i wanted to read the thread of Jani Raappana, and Meatpie, he wasn't an actor
As if someone cares.
I also agree and it seems there is no way to get out from this page. The admins just say that we don`t delete accounts, so perhaps police will-
Is there any pics here of guys in their caskets? I was told there was a guy from New Jersey, in a casket, has a football jersey on and stuff, in the casket?
Moi phaipil, I think you are a Finnish, right?
Can You tell me how to get out from this ill pages. The admins don`t allow me out from here.
And if You are Finnish, you can answer to me in Finnish.
Yes we have. Use the search options also visit our groups.
Moi phaipil, I think you are a Finnish, right?
Can You tell me how to get out from this ill pages. The admins don`t allow me out from here.
And if You are Finnish, you can answer to me in Finnish.

(I answered him in Finnish)
Vaikka en ole suomalainen, puhun kieltä sujuvasti. Selitäpä tilanteesi ihan omin sanoin rauhallisesti, niin katsotaan miten toimimme.
hey guys, great forum! I'm kind of a bad boy into raves and stuff :mates:,
a couple a months ago me and my pals were partying around and this guy ODed :drool: I haven't been able to take any pictures, but I couldn't stop thinking about it :fast jerk: Then I finally found your amazing forum and I was wondering if you could help me. Can you please post some nice OD stuff for me?
Hey, does anyone know of any pics or vids of hot guys getting shocked - like electroshock treatments at a hospital?
This isn't exactly necro I suppose but it seems related in my mind. Seeing a dude restrained on an electroshock treatment bed is a lot lot seeing a dude on an autopsy table. Btw, the guy in this pic was sedated with electroshock before receiving the transorbital lobotomy.
If someone already requested this I'm sorry, but does anyone have ANY pictures of really pretty, feminine guys? Especially if they're gothy looking?
I'd appreciate it so fucking much.
im collecting pics of dead guys wearing gloves(biker, soldier, worker, etc)
i already got about 30 of those but im not still satisfied.
can anyone post any pics of gloved dead guys???
I rember there are one pics with a lot of dead soldiers on
I find the pic twice many years ago, but I lost the pic and I cannot find it any more.
the year the event occur is between 1997-2002
I remember there are 7 indian officers killed near the border.
and all victims are young and undressed(only with white undies).
the keyword is "militant" "border" "11 km" "capital" "Dahka"
I remember dahka is the capital of Bangladish.

maybe my memory is incorrect. :(

does anyone in this forum have the pic?