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And a few more
23 yo Jeferson Aparício suicidio

Yes I have notice also that the men of Iran have HOT feet, although their heels tend to be dried out and cracked. It doesn't appear they use skin lotion.
Lumbang Tobing hanged himself in the bathroom after rows with his wife. His tongue came out, and he shat and came in his cklothes as he died (don't know why Google translate is giving me both the Indonesian and the English!)

Cekcok Sama Isteri, Suami Tewas Gantung Diri Foto : Guzleo Same tig Wife, Husband Killed Hanging Yourself Photo: Guzleo MARELAN | DNA - Akibat sering cekcok sama isterinya Deli Feraro Br Simangunsong akhirnya sang suami Marganda Lumban Tobing (35) nekad mengakhiri hidupnya dengan kain gendong di tiang pintu rumah mereka beralamat di Blok B No 2 Komplek perumahan Taman permata hijau jalan Ileng Kelurahan Rengas Pulau Kecamatan Medan Marelan, Selasa (11/02) pukul 09.00 WIB. Marelan | DNA - As a result of his wife often quarreled at Deli Feraro Br Simangungsong Marganda husband finally Lumban Tobing (35) desperate to end his life by carrying cloth on the doorposts of their homes located at Block B No. 2 green gems Park housing complex road Ileng Rengas Island Village Subdistrict Marelan terrain, Tuesday (11/02) at 09.00 am.

Keterangan diterima dari sejumlah tetangga korban menuturkan, belakangan ini pasangan suami isteri yang telah dikarunia 2 orang anak tersebut kerap terlibat perang mulut, bahkan terkadang keributan mereka sempat mengusik ketenangan para tetangga tanpa diketahui pasti apa persoalannya. Information received from a number of the victim's neighbors said, lately the couple who have been blessed with 2 children are often involved in a war of words, sometimes even their commotion to disturb the peace of the neighbors had no known exactly what the problem is.

Padahal kata tetangga korban, kehidupan rumah tangga mereka dari segi ekonomi terbilang mapan, si istri bekerja disalah satu perusahaan swasta sementara si suami bekerja sebagai mandor buruh Tenaga Kerja Bongkar Muat (TKBM) Pelabuhan Belawan sektor 1. Though neighbors said the victim, their home life is fairly well established in economic terms, the wife works at one of the private companies while the husband works as a laborer foreman Stevedoring (TKBM) Belawan Port sector 1.

"Kemungkinan ada faktor orang ketiga yang mengusik rumah tangga mereka bang, tapi aku heran kenapa si suami itu sebegitu nekad mengakhiri hidupnyanya ya,? tanya balik tetangga korban saat ditanyai. "There might be a factor of a third person who disturb their household bang, but I wonder why the husband was desperate to put an end to all that hidupnyanya yes,? Asked the neighbors behind the victim when questioned.

Mendengar kabar ada korban gantung diri, kontan saja warga sekitar datang berduyun-duyun ke lokasi kejadian ingin melihat langsung selanjutnya memberikan kabar kepada pihak kepolisian sektor Medan Labuhan. Hear no victim hanged himself, cash only local residents flocked to the scene wanted to see further provides news directly to the police sector Labuan field.

Kapolsekta Medan Labuhan, Kompol.Roni Oktavianus yang ditemui di lokasi kejadian mengatakan, dari hasil penyelidikan di TKP ternyata korban didapati telah tergantung dengan kain gendong di tiang pintu kamar mandi, posisi lidah korban terjulur, bahkan dari anus korban keluar kotoran serta sperma. Field Kapolsekta rituals Kompol.Roni Octavian that found at the scene, said of the results of the investigation at the scene found the victim turns out to have been hung with cloth carry on the bathroom door posts, the position of the victim's tongue lolling out, even the dirt out of the victim's anus and sperm.

Pertama kali korban ditemukan iparnya bernama Donald yang pagi sekira pukul 09.00 WIB hendak mengantarkan sepeda motor ke rumah korban, dilihat pintu pagar rumah tak terkunci selanjutnya ditemukan korban sudah tergantung di tiang pintu kamar mandi, setelah dilakukan olah TKP, selanjutnya korban dibawa ke RS Pirngadi Medan untuk dilakukan autopsi, terang Kapolsek Medan Labuhan yang baru dilantik tersebut.(Guz/Mrl). The first time the victim discovered the law named Donald morning at around 09.00 am about to deliver the motorcycle to the victim's house, judging the unlocked gate next victim was found hanging on the bathroom door posts, after the crime scene, the victim was taken to hospital next Pirngadi Field to do an autopsy, bright field Labuan police chief of the newly inducted. (Guz / MRL).
And this one died with a very nice bulge in his jeans (couldn't translate, website was doing funny things)
Married couple hanged themselves together. Blow him up, and can see that someone's unzipped his jeans and presumably had a god look - and is that a bulge in his blue underwear?

REOG.TV, PONOROGO - It was heartbreaking, and God knows what is in the minds of both husband and wife (married couple), both determined to commit suicide by hanging himself in a tree together.
The couples are Sumono (35 years) and Supartin (27 years), both body was found in a garden not far from his home in the village Talun, Ngebel, Roxburgh, on Tuesday afternoon (01/28/2014).
Condition when found, killed his wife hanging, while her husband, who was also killed thereunder. There has been no confirmation from the authorities and citizens around the scene.
Thus, until the news was revealed, it is not certain the cause of both reckless 'suicide' together. While police are still investigating this case. And, we wait for further news. (Team /

More details - he hanged himself first, she took him down then hanged herself with the same rope. And he'd cum, s presumably it was his wife who unzipped and had a good look at the gental fluids in his pants!
REOG.TV, PONOROGO - puzzle, suicide Sumono married couples (35 years old) and Suparti (27) Talun villagers Subdistrict Ngebel Roxburgh, began to unfold. The results of the crime scene (the scene) Police officers and team Roxburgh Medical Health Center Ngebel known, pure suicide victims.
HOUSE VICTIM. couple here that the committing suicide live. (Photo: team /
Ponorogo police chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Iwan Kurniawan, through Invisible Criminal AKP Miserun explained, there is no element of violence on the body of the one committing suicide. "Everything suicide. Found no signs of scars of violence, both in the body, "said Tim REOG.TVdi Mapolsek Miserun Ngebel encountered.
There was no sign of violence means, no severe wound, incision or former persecution. Both died from hanging himself, pure. Among others, since the former is found in the genital fluids, there are vases and clear former rope bondage.
Allegedly, the sequence of events, Sumono hanged himself the night or midnight. His body was known by his wife hanged themselves, around 6am. Knowing her husband hanged, further Miserun, his wife climbed the tree and release the noose around his neck.
"She uses the same rope, also to hang myself," he added. Only about 8 am, there are people who know this couple died and the case was reported to the police.
This allegation dipekuat with testimony of witnesses. before hanging, Suparti still have time to prepare a uniform belonging to her baby.
Police are still investigating further, to uncover the motive of these suicides. A number of witnesses was examined, for questioning. Similarly rope evidence, wills and clothing are both secured in the police station as evidence.
Although police have yet to determine the motive for this incident, but reports circulating, the suicide motif on the back of the forbidden romance aka infidelity. Allegedly, one of the couple and the affair was revealed.
Embarrassed and could not bear the news of the affair, Sumono suicide, while Suparti allegedly also feel guilty, finally helped end his life by hanging himself way.
Once identified, the body was buried next to each other both directly, in the local village cemetery. (Team /
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And this one died with a very nice bulge in his jeans (couldn't translate, website was doing funny things)

Found it on another site shere Translate worked - it's another married couple (well, male half of)

Residents of the District ALERT-PONOROGO Ngebel, Ponorogo district on Tuesday morning (28/01/2014) shocked by the news by word of mouth that there pasaangan Talun husband and wife from the village, District Ngebel who died a very tragic. Pasalnya pasangan suami istri Sumono (36) dan Suwartin (270 warga RT 2 RW 1, Dusun Sedayu, Desa Talun ditemukan tewas gantung diri dengan kondisi bersama-sama dan masih dalam satu tempat yakni di satu pohon cengkeh yang sekitar 200 meter di samping timur rumah miliknya. Kejadian yang pertama kali di ketahui oleh Subari yang masih saudara dari pasangan suami istri yang nekat mengakhiri hidupnya secara tragis tersebut langsung membuat gempar warga Kecamatan Ngebel. Pasalnya selama ini baru kali pertama ada orang nekat gantung diri secara bersamaa antara suami istri dan di satu pohon. Because married couples Sumono (36) and Suwartin (270 resident RT 2 RW 1, Sedayu Hamlet, Village Talun found dead hanging himself with the conditions and still together in one place the cloves in a tree about 200 feet in the east side home hers. incident was first known by Subari are still brothers of the couple are desperate to end their lives tragically directly caused a stir District residents Ngebel. reason for this the first time there are people desperate to hang himself in bersamaa between husband and wife and in one tree.

Kepala Desa Talun, Kecamatan Ngebel, Ponorogo, Parwoto (36) ketika dikonfirmasi terkait warganya yang nekat mengakhiri hidup dengan cara gantung diri di pohon cengkeh tersebut pihkanya membenarkan akan tetapi pihaknya tidak tahu menahu pemicu pasangan suami istri yang sudah di karunia satu orang anak tersebut harus nekat berduan gantung diri. Talun Village Chief, District Ngebel, Roxburgh, Parwoto (36) as confirmed related reckless citizens who end life by hanging himself in the clove tree pihkanya justified but it does not know anything about the trigger couples who have been in the gift of the child should be berduan desperate to hang themselves. “Saya mendapatkan laporan dari perangkat saya di Dusun Sedayu kalau pasangan suami istri Sumono dan Suwartin telah ditemukan meninggal dalam kondisi gantung diri di pohon cengkeh itu pada pukul 06.30 WIB, dan katanya kedua pasangan yang sehidup semati ini ditemukan oleh Pak Subari yang masih saudaranya korban, mayat pasangan suami istri itu di temukan Subari masih menggantung di batang pohon cengkeh dengan posisi Sumono dibawah pohon cengkeh dan Suwartin masih menggantung dibatang cengkeh dari tanah sekitar 3 meter ketinggian tempatnya menggantung,” kata Parwoto. "I'm getting reports from my device in Hamlet Sedayu if couples Sumono and Suwartin been found dead hanging himself in a state of the clove tree at 06:30 pm, and he said both partners are lively semati was discovered by his brother Mr. Subari are still victims, the bodies of the couple were found Subari still hanging on the tree trunk Sumono position of clove and clove trees under Suwartin dibatang still hang cloves of ground about 3 meters altitude where hanging, "said Parwoto.

“dan setelah saya telusuri dari saudara dan tetangga kanan kiri atau lingkungan semuanya tidak tahu menahu penyebab kedua ingsan lawan jenis yang sudah menikah sepuluh tahun itu nekat mengakiri hidupnya dengan cara tidak wajar itu, karena kedua orang ini setiap hari hanya berkebun dan berladang dan semuanya tidak pernah mendengar suami istri ini cekcok atau semacamnya dan bahkan juga tidak terlihat kalau ada rasa cemburu dan juga tidak terlihat kalau ada tekanan ekonomi atau gimana, dan karena kejadian meninggalnya tidak wajar tersebut kejadian itu langsung kami laporkan ke Polsek Ngebel,” ungkap Kepala Desa Talun. "And after I browse from relatives and neighbors are all right-left or the environment do not know anything about the cause of both Ingsan married opposite sex was determined to end the ten years of his life in a way that is not fair, because both of these men every day just gardening and farming and all of them are not never heard of this bickering husband and wife or something and does not even look if there is jealousy and not visible if there is economic pressure or something, and because the incidence of unnatural death of the events that we report to the police immediately Ngebel, "said village chief Talun.

Begitu juga Kepala Dusun Sedayu, Sakri ketika di hubungi via selularnya pihaknya mengaku kalau korban sudah mempunyai satu orang anak yang masih duduk dibangku kelas dua SD. Likewise Sedayu Head Hamlet, Sakri when in contact via their mobile it claimed that the victim already has one child who was still sitting in second grade. Dan terkait penyebab kenekatan kedua manusia itu pihaknya juga tidak tahu. And both human-related causes of recklessness that he also did not know. “Meskipun itu warga kami saya juga tidak tahu apa yang menyebabkan kedua orang tua dari Diva Auliya yang masih berumur 9 tahun dan masih duduk di kelas 2 SD ini, karena setahu saya dan juga saudara serta lingkungan tidak pernah mendengar dan melihat pasangan ini cekcok apa bertengkar apa gimana semuanya tahunya kalau pasangan ini harmonis dan sangat rajin bekerja, sehari-hari hanya berkebun, bahkan waktunya di habiskan untuk di kebun,” kata Sakri. "Even though it's our citizens I also do not know what caused the parents of Diva Saints who was aged 9 years and still sits in 2nd grade this school, because of my knowledge and also brother and environment have never heard of and see what the pair bicker quarrel What if the spouse him how everything is harmonious and very hard-working, everyday just gardening, even in the time spent in the garden, "said Sakri.

Sementara Kapolres Ponorogo AKBP Iwan Kurniawan ketika dikonfirmasi melalui kapolsek Ngebel, AKP Supardi pihaknya mendapatkan laporan baru pukul 08.30 WIB meskipun informasi di ketahui pertama kali kedua korban itu pukul 06.00 WIB. While Ponorogo police chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Iwan Kurniawan Ngebel when confirmed by the police chief, the AKP Supardi it to get a new report at 08.30 pm although the first known information on the second victim was 06.00 pm. dan karena jauhnya medan serta sulitnya jalan, baru bisa lakukan olah TKP sekitar pukul 10.30 WIB, karena dari Polsek Ngebel TKP ini berjarak 30 Km dengan medan yang sulit. and as far field as well as the difficulty of the road, can only be done if the scene around 10:30 pm, police Ngebel because of this scene is 30 Km with difficult terrain. “Ketika laporan dari perangkat masuk pukul 08.30 WIB, kami langsung hubungi SPK dan tim identifikasi untuk segera merapat ke TKP, setelah kita lakukan olah TKP kedua korban ini ditemukan satu di bawah pohon cengkeh dan istrinya menggantung di satu pohon cengkeh di samping timur rumahnya, korban menggunakan pengikat kain warna hijau semacam selendang untuk menjeratnya lehernya dan poisisi ketinggian dari tanah sekitar 3 meter,” tegas Kapolsek Ngebel. "When the report of the entrance at 08.30 pm, we immediately contact the DSS and team identification to immediately move closer to the scene, after we did the second crime scene the victim was found under a tree clove and his wife hanging on the east side of clove trees in his home, the victim using some sort of green fabric fastener to entrap her neck scarf and poisisi height of about 3 meters from the ground, "said police chief Ngebel.

Masih menurut Kapolsek bahwa ketika di konfirmasi motif dari pasanaggn suami istri ini nekat mengakiri hidup dengan gantung diri bersamaan tersebut pihaknya mengaku belum ada temuan. Still according to the police chief confirmed that when the motive of this married pasanaggn end the reckless life by hanging himself the same time it admitted no findings. “Kami sudah meminta keterangan kepihak saudara dan juga lingkungan tetangga kana kiri tapi tidak tahu apa penyebabnya keduanya nekat gantung diri, dan untuk motif kejadian ini masih kita lakukan penyelidikan,” pungkas AKP.Supardi. MAL "We've asked for information kepihak relatives and also neighborhood kana left but do not know what the cause is both desperate to hang themselves, and for motives which are still doing our investigation," said AKP.Supardi
And another one who came as he went! Confusing translation, but the sperm proves it reallyis a male

Bottom of cone, West Sumatra, - Buyuang Uncle (46), a resident of Pasia Paneh, South Tiku Nagari, District of Tanjung Raya, Agam regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) found his wife Karmila (29) had died by hanging on a rope in the victim's home on Sunday (2/1) at around 15:00 pm. Ketika itu, Karmila baru pulang kerja. When it is, the new Karmila home from work.

"Sesampai di rumah, saya melihat ada kaki menjuntai dari luar rumah. Saat saya masuk rumah, rupanya itu kaki suami saya yang sudah tidak beryawa," kata Karmila di Lubuk Basung, Minggu (2/2). "When I got home, I saw no legs dangling from the outside of the house. When I came home, my husband's foot apparently it is already not beryawa," said Karmila in Lubuk cone, Sunday (2/2).

Melihat kondisi itu, dia menjerit dan meminta tolong kepada tetangga dan beberapa menit setelah itu, tetangga datang untuk memberikan pertolongan. Seeing the condition, she screamed and asked for help from the neighbors and a few minutes after that, a neighbor came to give relief.

Ia menambahkan, pagi sebelum pergi bekerja sebagai tukang cuci, korban masih dalam keadaan sehat dan tinggal sendirian di rumah. He added that, in the morning before going to work as a laundress, the victim is still in good health and living alone at home.

Kapolsek Tanjung Mutiara Iptu Jamhur, membenarkan kejadian itu dan telah menurunkan anggota Polsek. Police Chief Inspector jurnhiir Tanjung Mutiara, confirmed the incident and had lower members of the Police. Selain itu tim identifikasi dari Polres Agam juga telah turun, serta petugas kesehatan dari Puskesmas Tanjung Mutiara untuk visum. Besides the identification of the Police team Agam has also been dropped, as well as health officer of PHC Tanjung Mutiara for post mortem.

Dari hasil penyidikan awal, diduga korban gantung diri, karena lidah dan sperma keluar. From the results of the initial investigation, the victim allegedly hanged himself, because the tongue and sperm out. Namun pihak kepolisian tetap melanjutkan penyelidikan. But the police investigation continued.

"Korban tergantung pada tali nilon di kuda-kuda rumah semi permanen dengan bantuan kaleng cat," katanya. "The victim depends on the nylon rope horses in semi-permanent houses with the help of a can of paint," he said.

Setelah divisum, korban langsung dimandikan dan dimakamkan di pekuburan kaum yang tidak jauh dari rumah korban. After divisum, the victim immediately bathed and buried in the cemetery not far from the victim's home.

Ia mengatakan, penyebab korban menghabisi nyawanya sendiri akibat permasalahan keluarga. He said the cause of the victims of his own life due to family problems.

Lebih jauh, Kapolsek menjelaskan sebelumnya korban mendapatkan bantuan dana untuk rumah tidak layak huni dari pemerintah pusat sebesar Rp15 juta. Furthermore, the police chief explained earlier victim assistance funds to uninhabitable housing from the central government amounted to Rp15 million.

Karena tidak memiliki lahan untuk membangun rumah, korban meminta tanah satu bidang kepada orang tuanya. Because it does not have the land to build a house, the victim asked for the land of the field to his parents. Orang tuanya memberikan lahan itu. His parents gave the land.

Namun setelah rumah dibangun, anggota keluarga yang lain menggugat korban. However, after the house was built, other family members suing the victim. Korban sempat mengeluarkan kata-kata akan bunuh diri pada orang tuanya karena masalah tersebut. The victim had the words would commit suicide at her parents because of the problem.

"Ini merupakan informasi yang kami peroleh dari masyarakat," katanya. "This is the information we get from the community," he said.
iran 1


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Thanks tepau! And here's some Indonesians who met their noose
Happened last March so may be a repost

Commits suicide because of unemployment
- A family further disintegrated by the economic crisis H. Tlapacoyan, Veracruz - A tlapacoyense family disintegrated by the lack of jobs due to the severe economic crisis that we are experiencing, so that an unemployed killed himself inside his home.
Saturday morning an unemployed man killed himself to hang on a ring attached to the wall, realizing this shocking fact, the wife of the now deceased who did not leave him a posthumous letter.
About three in the morning on Saturday a phone call to the local police in which an address notifying that lane street corner jaral Allende had an injured person, moving immediately uniformed and drive 549 the Red Cross. Upon arrival, paramedics noticed that the worthy person injured they said, had asked for life to hang with a plastic rope, which hung from a ring.
In the place a person was female, which called Yeni Martinez Gonzalez said 30-year-old, who claimed to be the deceased wife, adding that she was sleeping when suddenly started to hear banging on the wall, realizing that his husband had hanged himself with a tie.
So immediately tried to help by placing a chair on foot to try to help, but unfortunate to be heavier than her way, he failed so he killed hanged. Who recognized him as Sosa José Uriel Abundio 32-year-old native of Eytepeques without occupation, as if the person was working for several days and therefore had strong economic problems, but had not voted to take his own life .
With this situation the presence of the prosecution staff of this city was necessary, going the licensed Maximino Marin, as well as regional liaison expert services, José Ángel Vázquez, who conducted the survey of the relevant evidence. Minutes later he was ordained a lifting body torque to be transferred to Semefo be interested rigor practiced necropsy and determine the causes of death that after making the appropriate arrangements for the body to be given a Christian burial.

handsome meaty masculine WRINKLED SOLE MEAT TO FUCK SUCK AND EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
more iran 1


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