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Sunday Evening Arrivals

Before the main Khmer update, let's post this one separately so he doesn't get lost in the crowd - which would be shame as they're examining his cock rather closely and so I'm sure will we.

Now here's the main batch - the 'long June' update (ie late May until yesterday). Includes a few guys that Meatpie has already posted, like Purple Top at the start. Several of them have shat their pants if you look closely, and a few have what looks very much like patch of wet cum in their jeans or underwear, in the appropriate place. Good to see a guy who performed fully on the noose!

Young Man Hung Himself in Russia

Man hung himself at a playground in Russia

Weekend Cases

Another Young Life Lost

Mixed for Thursday Evening

Thanks Meatpie, last guy is lovely.
Beautiful Forest Hanging

Another One Hangs on Tree

Thanks Meatpie and Hahaccy!
I miss Iranian hangers! I'd love to see more cute young barefeet dangling.

The answer may be 'go find' - it's not a search I do very often and no one else seems to be doing it at the moment, so there should be some new stuff out there.
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