And, since translation is working much better on the new computer, a few Indonesians who shat and came in their pants, though still with all the classics of Translatish (don't be fooled by the 'her's - Translatish has serious gender confusion issues, gets it wrong more often than right!)
Before Hanging Himself, the young man of the village of Tanah Datar, West Had Rengat Wrote Something on the wall Board
Saturday, January 28, 2011-08:24:50 GMT | Read: 17376 Times
Sebelum Gantung Diri, Pemuda Desa Tanah Datar, Rengat Barat Sempat Tulis Sesuatu di Tembok Papan The victim died hung herself
RENGAT WEST -Adi Purwanto (18 years old) the villagers flat land, district of Western Province, Rengat Inhu found hung herself at home on Thursday, January 26, 2011 at around 18.00 pm.
Kapolres Inhu AKBP Abas Basuni SIK through Paur Publicist Iptu Yarmen Djambak said the event started, on Thursday 26 January 2017 at approximately 8.30 pm, the victim's mother named Nuryati, along with husband and son went to the family home on line A to assist family again and festivals, while victims establishes and about 11.00 WIB returned home and saw the victim again watch TV in the room and back to the place of festivals.
Later, approximately at 18.00 BST, the mother of the victims came home home and hear the voice of HP victims on the upper floors of the House, when it turns out the victim was hung with a rope.
Furthermore, the families of the victims contacted the Polsek Rengat West, and around 7 pm GMT Kanit Reskrim along members of the Resintel came to the scene, and then brought the victim to the PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL of Indra Sari Dykes Visum to do Reba Et Revertum (VER), then taken to a funeral home and turned over to the family.
Based on the description of the family, further Yarmen, the victim is married with his wife named betel Novi Oktafiani, employees of the private (laundry cleaning), address and have the children Reba Dykes 1 people aged 2 years. But they have been separated since 2 years ago (after childbirth).
Then, on the wall of the room is empty place found the victim hung herself, writing * "Tired!" * from the red color of spray paint.
Based on the results of the VER and coordination with HOSPITALS Indrasari with Dr. Benny and Dr. Tia pure that the victim committed suicide, it can be found on the victim's neck there are cuts or bruises and jejas former biram hanger strap which caused the victim's death, not found signs of the wounds of violence, from the victim's pubic mingled blood, sperm found on the victim's rectum there is dirt, the victim's tongue Panhandle the victim's nose, and on discharge.
Related events, family parties (the victim's biological mother) States have mengiklaskan over the death of the victim, refused to do an autopsy to find out the cause of his death, and the cause will not be legally demanded upon the death of the victim. (fer)