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Being the last to be hanged to create a lot of anxiety.
Thanks for some great posts, iiii
sorry Im not posting much at the moment - I'm really busy, not even keeping up with cdg that well. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible!
Very nice adjustments. It was a dramatic hanging off buses, and the victims all did a dance (to the extent you could see from the poor quality videos), so it is nice to see them brighter and clearer, given the shadow of the overpass they were hanged from. Thank you.
One of the early set of images that turned me on to hangings was that of the execution of the conspirators of Abraham Lincoln's assassination. Lewis Payne or Powell was a good looking young man who according to contemporary accounts died hard. It also seems he died with a hard-on. Others have noticed it as well, and the following article (with URL) takes it that extra step.'s-erection

"I wonder if all you Lewis Powell fans out there have noticed this rather bulging detail on his execution photo.


Well, apparently it is quite common for males to develop erections after trauma associated with hanging and other forms of violent demise; apparently one in three are affected, displaying symptoms ranging from mere priapism to the discharge of urine and prostate fluids.

Since I’m pretty sure that many of you have simply kept quiet out of shame or fear of seeming disrespectful, let me do the honors for you.

You can actually get a rough idea of penis size from this photo - I say rough, because I cannot ascertain if it is fully erect, nor can I accurately measure the length of his slumped body. I have, however, made an attempt to calculate using proportionality - assigning a percent value to the photo penis relative to photo body length and then applying it to his actual height of 186,69 cm (6 foot 1 and 1/2).

Depending on where I set the start of my measurements, I reach an end result between 15,5 to 16,5 cm. That would be 6 to 6 1/2 roughly estimated inches, folks; still in the realm of average, with a tendency to lean towards the larger side.

So. Don’t trust my results? Then try it out for yourself. ;-)

In any case - this guy was gorgeous. The more we talk about him, the better!
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