Thanks name09, a good one. At first I thought he was bit young, but he's got a slight moustache so I reckon he's OK.

This is an interesting video.

USEFUL TIP: I was able to search more videos (hanging cases for example) using Google by using "", and then search for terms like "hanged" in other languages such as Hindi, Telugu, Khmer, Thai, and so on. You will find multiple results.

Thanks. For Khmer and Thai, I've found that using the Translate word for 'tied neck' or 'neck tie die' (pronounced 'changok' in Khmer) produces far more results. But please don't use that to post multiple reposts - I and others have probably already posted most of the ones that are non-new and any good using those terms. That's not a comment on your latest batch by the way - I can only see embedded videos using Firefox (that's why I always post the link as well), and since a lot of other things don't seem to work for me in Firefox I only do that to catch up on the vids, I'm not in Firefox now.
Ought to be a repost given the date and fairly well-searched language, but I don't think it is. Apologies to AnonymousPH incidentally if I end up reposting some of your vids - because of the number and my problems with embedded videos, there's probably quite a lot I've missed.

Very censored vid of someone actually doing it borderline worth posting as it is, but can anyone (maybe an Indian member) find the uncensored version?

Hey thanks. Shame he didn't give more thought to the lighting, but that's excellent.
Well-deserved rep point for that!
And another. He's thoroughly shat himself, the shape of his underwear is showing in brown at the back. And the close-upof her mouth beside his zip is ... suggestive. Nice feets too.
