Possibly Vietnam, I don't recognise language. And possibly not a hanging, but it's linking from hanged vids. For those who like their guys seriously unfresh, anyway.


Good-looking guy, stripped to his well-fitting briefs before doing the deed, nice bulge - then failed to obey the last rule - 'when hanging yourself, make sure someone is going to find you while you're still fresh'.


Only "suspicious death" my ass! - I think we can assume this wasn't an accident. I guess the only question is whether one hanged the other and then himself (or conceivably herself), or whether it was a suicide pact which seems to be normal way of ending a marriage in India.



This is an interesting video.

USEFUL TIP: I was able to search more videos (hanging cases for example) using Google by using "site:youtube.com", and then search for terms like "hanged" in other languages such as Hindi, Telugu, Khmer, Thai, and so on. You will find multiple results.