Last moments of two terrified men, sobbing as they are interviewed in a prison car immediately before being led to the gallows. Then you see them being led to the gallows, then the moment of hanging. Shame the video stops after that: wanted to see them kicking. But at least you see the ropes tighten.
Thanks very good.
No hanging as such, but 42 handsome young guys looking sad and desperate as they are sentenced to the gallows in Iraq.

Then on the morning of their executions, see them being lined up in the corridor to be led, in pairs, to the hangman.

21 hangings... must have taken all day if you allow 20-30 minutes for each one. They all had to wait in the corridor for the previous hanging to be carried out. Imagine being next in the queue, and waiting for up to 30 minutes (using Kuwait hangings as a guide – they're frequently reported as taking 20+ mins for death to occur after the drop) knowing that that is how long you will hang from the noose. Probably you can hear the noises of the hangings in the next room.
Arabic - I'm not sure which country, though did I hear 'Iraq' in the voiceover?
And another Arabic - this is a good one.
Swinger! Pissed and I think shat.

Cambodia - short but sweet near end.
