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Woman stabbed and stoned

Woman-on back -legs apart - black shorts - left with naked breasts - stabbed and stoned :shock:

thanx, the last pictures i know from a set from weapons lovers. It is a campaign that may show us the consequences without weapens.
Upload your dead girls to

I've been following this thread for a looooooooooong time. I've also been without a gore-home since viraldeath went away and I've jumped form forum to forum to forum but I've finally registered here just to say how great this thread really is but maybe I should have registered here sooner because meh was already taken. :(

I see some familiar names here from other places that have disappeared so I don't feel like a total stranger but I was just wondering how if I could access to the super duper secret forum that I keep reading about. I've been deprived of a good source of death imagery for the longest time and I'd love to see some of the stuff that's hidden away on this forum. Take pity on me.
Welcome meh, I remember you from other sites. Hope you stick around.
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