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Killed in ar wreck

Woman killed in bad car wreck - more of this set in the secret room without WMs :shock:

What`s going on with all gore sites ? They are always deleted !,,,, and so on. Do we have a censorship at the internet now ?
coul you please tell me about sites with more dead girls? I understand cutedeadguys is exclusive for dead guys but I want dead girls and I dunno where to look for. Thanks in advance.
From my archives - Sri Lanka - dead female soldier stripped naked and photographed. Part of a set where the faces and the breasts etc have not been blurred out. The original set without the watermarks is in our 'secret room' - along with a video of soldiers looking for dead female soldiers.

or you can search flickr for them, lol

:yes: LOL - Yes indeed - These are not new - anything posted from my personal archive is older material. However, the collection posted at CDG has all been checked for correct exposure and color balance, and if necessary, adjusted. Again - this is something individuals can do for themselves. This is intended to be helpful to our CDG members who may not have the time or inclination (or the means) to do that.
I like autopsy womans. I want to see autopsy womans with more adipose tissue under skin ( belly)
Woman hanging from tree :shock:

despite all the opposition in the beginning, thanks for this thread Meatpie!
Some old stuff from other sites.

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Hope I did that right.

Elites/Secret Room Hopeful.
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