Thanks, meatpie! I dunno...all of these recent, nude Chinese morgue pics are weirding me out. I have been finding and researching death images for many years now and can usually spot a fake a mile off. Something about them all feels 'faked' to me. Like really well done fetish pics or something. But, on the other hand, most of them seem to have characteristics that are undeniably real. I wish they could be sourced, but obviously if they ARE real, they're being smuggled out by someone inside. These are clearly not news release pics.
I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth and I do suspect that most (if not all) of them are probably real. They just don't quite 'sit well' with me and I wish like hell that we had more info provided. I know you probably arent given any extra info yourself when they are sent to you. Anyhow, thanks for posting them. They are unique and appreciated. Just the skeptic in me that wishes they could be verified on my end.