I don't think you are gonna like the UK but definately better than the Dominican.
Europe has been hard hit by the Great Depression, unemployment in some areas is 20% or higher, property for sale everywhere but no one willing to buy.
I know exactly what you mean, but the problem is, I really hate my country, I wouldn't recommend this country to anyone, unless you like Latin guys/girls.
1> I hate our Folklore
2> I HATE our music, and also hate the popular music on this Ghetto.
3> I HATE the envirovement of the Bars or any other place where you'd go with your friend to have fun, buy drinks/shots, etc. That fucking music (It should not be considered music) follows me around, I just can't stand it, last time I did went to get a shot with my friends was a long time ago, it really hurts my ears the music heard in this country, so I avoid it as much as I can.
4> Everytime I see an ongoing interview on a news channel on our streets, I feel ashamed, just by looking at the face of the interviwed Dominicans you can tell what's their intelligence level. I recall once news about a coop that was born with a human-like hand (Weeks after it ended up being a normal coop leg, but the shape it had when it was born was eventually mistaken since it was very similar) and I remember this man between the interviwed ones that said "Well we have to go to church, we have to read the bible a lot, we have to read the bible, this is biblical" and his face showed that he was afraid, he REALLY believed this to be a Biblical thing, but.. What does this have to do with the church? or the bible? Obviously he hasn't read the bible, just another man that quit school when he was 8, that's what he looked like. It wouldn't be that bad if he was the only one, instead, EVERY dominican I've seen being interviwed on the streets makes me feel the same way this biblical guy did, ashamed.
But here's the thing, I've got a pretty nice job waiting for me to graduate over here, my good life, I could say, is secured here.
If I were to go to another country, I'd have to deal with many issues, the main one being an outsider, you probably know the dificulties that comes with that, so here's my question..
Should I stay here and just ignore what I hate (Which is the Dominican itself) or try for another place and face the consequences? This is the question I've been trying to answer for quite a while, I guess the answer will come with time..