I have not seen any accidental decapitations, like by falling objects or trains or anything, only execution style.
Hey guys, any video of those 1700 iraki soldiers executed...would love to see them being killed.
Hey there, any videos of real guys gettin their dicks or balls cut off against their will? that is the sexiest thing to see. thanks!
I'm looking for full strangulation deaths of cute shirtless guys in underwear. Can anyone help me please?
Hello everyone! I wonder if you know sites where there are videos autopsy or washing corpses. (things like that)

Who to help? ^^

(I'm sorry if I badly placed my topic: /)
Anyone have pics or video of men having sex
With a dead mans body.
(Im not sure, if such materials exists)
Are there any videos out there which show severed heads moving or displaying some degree of life?
I think I have seen this,but do not know where,but it does happen.
I looking for dead muscle guy/dead body builder fucked by necrophile .or during for an autopsy .or decaptipating a muscle men part by part. Bodybuilder impaled and roasted.
Does anyone have a backup file of this vid?


matan joven en bonao

I forgot to download this epic piece.
Youtube banned the uploader and delete the vid.:frown:
anyone can find a video fitness model gregg plitt dead body in train accident, we're know that he has a great ,muscle,sixpack body. but he was struck by train when make some video outdoor excercise... any bodycan find the picture or video gregg plitt dead body??
i request christine chubbuck suicide video.. if you find one, you're one awesome guy..
i would really love to caucasian/white guy being tortured /killed please