Today was another scorcher, 40'C (F 104).

:pepsi: I cool off with ice cream and watermelon.

Every year summer heatwaves tend to become more and more extreme, not just in Europe. It's been hot and sunny for three weeks now, evey day with temperatures in excess of 36'C (F 96).
It was around 92ºF here today, and very humid. The air looks white from the humidity. A few days ago, it got a lot cooler with the high one day only reaching 67ºF. It was very nice, but it didn't last very long. Everyone's air conditioners got a break that day. Surprisingly, there were no storms with that cold front.

Here are some pictures of the damage done by the tornado in April. We aren't used to tornadoes in this area, since we're in the mountains.







Sorry for the poor quality. They were stills from a video file.
Here in New England USA @ 10:15 pm, its hot and humid and im all sweaty and cant sleep, cool breeze comes in the window and it feels so good on my naked body.
Hot as hell here in South Carolina (USA) on East Coast. We hit heat index of 104 today!! Hot and humid as hell makes for some very rough days!
It was around 92ºF here today, and very humid. The air looks white from the humidity. A few days ago, it got a lot cooler with the high one day only reaching 67ºF. It was very nice, but it didn't last very long. Everyone's air conditioners got a break that day. Surprisingly, there were no storms with that cold front.

Here are some pictures of the damage done by the tornado in April. We aren't used to tornadoes in this area, since we're in the mountains.







Sorry for the poor quality. They were stills from a video file.

Thanks for the pics, looks like it was at least an EF3.
Great pics, it's just started snowing here in "sunny" South Africa. Granted I live way, way up in the mountains.
And it is winter down here, so should really moan.
I have many more pictures, most of them are better quality if anyone wants to see them, just let me know. @kidkaroo: I wish it were snowing here! I love the winter time. It is my favorite season! I love to take pictures in the winter time. Took these two last year:


Lightning storm tonight

Took these less than 20 minutes ago.

Thunderstorm tonight with hail

88 and bright sunshine.........................
Still summer and still pissing down with rain . it hasn't stopped for four days.
Ciold and wet - need the heating on!
The weather is Ohio is constantly changing; It usually starts at decent temperature, then ends up being humid or extremely unbearable. That is how it's been for the past week, at least.
Is it sunny? Here all August was sunny and very hot, now halway through September drought continues - sunny and hot during the day.

Global warming is real and getting worse every summer, some towns already have trouble supplying drinking water to it's citizens. There is no snow in the mountains here as the winter was mostly wind with rain!

If this trend continues we may all become climate refugees in the near future!
OK, I'll make a post. I haven't visited this site in a while so I'll do my post so I won't get kicked off. Later I'll reply to some of the fantastic images I find.
Sunny and warm here today bit days are definately getting shorter, nights significantly cooler than August.
Gusty winds here, but sunny still, temps around 18C. Just 2 days ago it was 28C! Last burst of summer before the cold and wet weather :(
First snow


Cold as a morgue fridge here in Bulgaria with first snow, hundreds trapped in their cars.