I'm from omicron perci 8 but I was born into a human body in England!
American of Norwegian/Swedish, Irish, Scottish, and German ancestry. I'm a mutt.
Oh, and Meatpie:

There's nothing wrong with eastern Europeans. Americans make jokes about Polish people... but they tend to have Polish ancestry. Just like here the people with Norwegian ancestry are always making fun of themselves with Sven and Ole jokes.

And there's certainly nothing wrong with you. From your avatar, you look hot. It's the lips :)
Hey Hello
I come from Taiwan
Taiwan is a hell poor governance and corruption cases are poor pollution island
Welcome, ai6n4x86!
American, of Eastern European descent— my grandparents were from Romania and Hungary.
hello...i'm from Hong Kong and live in Kuala lumpur...nice to see so many people from different countries..... =)