Hello everyone! Relatively new to the site, enjoyed the stories and everything so much I had to join and make it official. I'm a female but always been drawn to the darker things.....
Anyway. Hello!
A warm welcome you will be our precious gemstone here how old are you? :love1: :come and get me:
And a very warm welcome to you as well how did you find us? How old are you? Interests? :cheerswine:
:welcome colour:
I'm 37 years old, autopsies are my primary interest.
A warm welcome to another member from China, age? :cheerswine:
I'm 37 years old, autopsies are my primary interest.

Have you always liked autopsy or is it a recent discovery? Male or female? Fresh cadavers?

Hi everyone,
I've been following this awesome comunity since I was in highschool, however I was kinda shy to be really open. Now that I turned 30, I'm comfortable enough to get to know more about my strange and amazing interest as well as awesome people in this comunity.
Initially, I'm more into the killer side, I enjoy watching men being killed in various way very much. Now that I'm a bit older, I'm getting more into the victim role imagining myself being killed brutally leaving my athletic corpse for people to play and dispose.
Above attach my recent body.
A warm welcome and very sweet first baby steps into our community glad you finally decided to join us. You are great age and perfect body is this real or fake blood?

A warm welcome and very sweet first baby steps into our community glad you finally decided to join us. You are great age and perfect body is this real or fake blood?

Hi Meatpie, this is fake blood. But I could make it real if more people want to see me die that way 😇
:welcome colour:

Mr Gloom's body would brighten my day if it were mine to play with. :yummy2::yummy2:

Hi everyone,
I've been following this awesome comunity since I was in highschool, however I was kinda shy to be really open. Now that I turned 30, I'm comfortable enough to get to know more about my strange and amazing interest as well as awesome people in this comunity.
Initially, I'm more into the killer side, I enjoy watching men being killed in various way very much. Now that I'm a bit older, I'm getting more into the victim role imagining myself being killed brutally leaving my athletic corpse for people to play and dispose.
Above attach my recent body.