Non-squid III

It's not a hot bike, but thought those were interesting:
Non-squid V

I like this set, too. That's all for tonight, kids:
I changed my mind a bit. I think these pics are good examples showing squid specimens:
Decapitated squids

Nothing gore, but these three were decapitated and on crotch rockets this year. I am aware at least two more people, but can't find their pics. I like Jeremy, but Danny was a military officer, and driving up to 100 mph on his black gixxer...

Oh, BTW, Jeremy was a pulling a wheelie and crashed on a bridge.

I guess this is the category I would fall under...almost...
Not much gear on, but I still like to ride my dirt bike...
It's an aging Yamaham dirt bike uolder than I am...still rurns great...
oI hope If don't end up in this forum...Hehehe
I guess this is the category I would fall under...almost...
Not much gear on, but I still like to ride my dirt bike...
It's an aging Yamaham dirt bike uolder than I am...still rurns great...
oI hope If don't end up in this forum...Hehehe
What a poser! But friggin' hot (to me)!
Did you catch this case? He was posed before your dude. Love these guys! There's a new one out there but I couldn't find it online. I saw it in the news yesterday, a dead guy posed on a motorbike. The new one isn't as cute though. I'll keep looking. This guy's my favorite, he's BEAUTIFUL!
Did you catch this case? He was posed before your dude. Love these guys! There's a new one out there but I couldn't find it online. I saw it in the news yesterday, a dead guy posed on a motorbike. The new one isn't as cute though. I'll keep looking. This guy's my favorite, he's BEAUTIFUL!

Yup. That was the only time I stopped by here when I stopped checking CDG. I have seen his mugshot, and he was friggin hot. Sorta male version of Jessica Alba if you know what I mean.

They look so ready to be humped, and that's hot.
Another Turkish dude

I must admit, some of them are pretty hot. Like this one:
Brazilian CBR

Does anybody have unmasked version of these photos?: