yes, boots are the greatest!!!!!
man, im at the dead dudes boots for the third time today!!!!!!
I pulled a lot of shit when i was younger (lol) and wasn't above stealing a dudes sneakers or boots off a back porch or from a work truck
the biggest rush was finding a balled up pair of sox stuffed in the toes, goddamn good times!
found out from my buddy that the boots are taken off the dead dudes feet
right at the hospital or morgue depending on where they go first, they are tied
together so they remain as a set and are thrown into a bin and shipped to the US for
re sale within a few days, usually the soldier keeps and wears the same boots
through his entire term, they are very durable boots. the guy who had my pair
must have really sweated heavily.
It would be nice, but it is not my style....
wish you could get a pair meat,
youd really enjoy them!!!!
Naahh, I won't sniff them even. I am not as sick as you.
Naahh, I won't sniff them even. I am not as sick as you.
This is one of my favorite fantasies. Stripping boots n socks off a dead soldier and doing em right there. Huffing on the boots n socks of a dead motorcycle cop. Love that.
huffing the boots and socks of a dead motorcycle cop who just did a double shift on a 95 degree day!!!! OH YEAH!
then jacking against his hot sweaty soles with his leathery salty sock
in your face and you start to feel his feet go cool against your dick
...lickin his motorcycle boots and sniffin on the dead cop's hot dirty socks...
just enjoyed them again....
Fascinating thread. But then how is it that in photos of ceremonies real soldiers have for their fallen comrades in TheStan and TheRaq, they have these following items:

1) The fallen comrade's HELMET
2) The fallen comrade's WEAPON (bayo side or barrel end dug deep into the ground)
3) The fallen comrade's BOOTS (in front of the weapon with the helmet over the top of the weapon)

I see this sort of photo time and time again ... so how could this be if the boots of the fallen comrade are taken right off him at the morgue or military hospital? It could be the resaler is saying these boots are from fallen soldier stud feet, but it could be just a ruse to sell the boots to horny guys?

I don't know, just wondering, that's all.

:thinking::not sure::shrug::shrug::shrug:
maybe its with the un claimed or those without family?????
solved the mystery,

the soldiers in question own several pairs of boots, have more than one uniform etc.
but the ones that are shipped back for re sale ARE the ones taken from them at the
morgue/hospital level. the ones at the ceremonies are one of the other pairs the
soldier had worn in his line of duty.
It's not a boot, but I have a sneaker of this dude who died in a motorcycle chase. It was soaked with gas and water, so I put in a plastic bag. When I checked it later, it all got moldy... Oh, well.
hey useless,
i had a pair of nikes from some guy in a cycle accident as well about 12 years ago.
when i drove by the area where the crash took place the next day, his shoes
were still on the side of the road so i took them. i got such a boner on the way home
that morning i jacked the moment i got home in my car! still have them, they still smell
and i still enjoy them, although i like to huff the boots more, much stronger aroma.