Beuen, I love #188 pic 3! The cock and balls sizzling away in a fry pan, yum!
I love to speculate about this. Love scenarios where a bunch of guys get together, all alive and vital and expecting a tomorrow. Then one gets offed and devoured by the others. Just completely eaten, all gone, all over, and the others go on, their belllies full. The butchering, the preparing, the fine dining, a bunch of dudes then sitting on the couch to watch a movie or game, unbuttoning their pants to relieve the pressure....Thanksgiving is coming! But I don't know if I could go through with dining on a human being in real time.
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Found this video clip from Can I Be Your Bratwurst Please on Youtube, right before the eating scene.

I've seen the whole movie, kind of goofy and intended in the spirt of humor, but if you can get past that's it's AWESOME! Relish the most the expression on the cannibals' faces when they first meet the unknowing would be meal, there's and ecstatic excitement that I'm bonin over just thinking back on it, especially this one big dude who meats the meal guy early on. There are gals in it, but it doesn't really take away...the meal is Jeff Stryker!
Anybody want to eat me or my manhood? I'm a 35 yo masculine guy, willing and ready!

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That's more than a mouthful!
Yes. My ultymate fantasy (and hopefully realyty) 's beyng eaten alyve. Anythyng even slyghtly remynyscent of cannybalysm turns me on 'mmensely; such as the act of eatyng meat, or beyng bytten etc. 'Used to be embarrassed to open up about thys secret phylya of myne, but sex and erotyca become meanyngless wythout a hynt of (symbolyc) cannybalysm.

There's also the desyre to eat others, but that comes second to beyng eaten, and 'tys usually dyrected towards more submyssyve, smaller 'ndyvyduals.

As far as famous cannybals; Jeffrey Dahmer comes closest to my heart. 'Can relate to hym as a helpless romantyk. The story of Armyn Meyes had to be the hottest one, though.

Personally see no problem wyth eatyng a pyece of flesh; of course, the donator or donatee would have to agree to partycypate - say 'f me and a fryend decyded to share a pyece of flesh to symbolyze a bond. Personally 'fynd cannybalystyc symbolysm more romantyc than sexyual 'ntercourse.

Everyone has theyr reasonyng for thys phylya, myne's submyssyve, romantyk and symbolyc. N'fact, 'would feel 'ncomplete wythout havyng a pyece of my flesh eaten. Odd eh? :grin:
Young cannibals they make me hot though i´m not sure to want be eaten
