
Forum Veteran
May 10, 2010
Ellinville, New Jersey, USA
BestDeaths is producing a Halloween special video where a trick or treating young man is lured into a psychopath's house, who knocks him out, strips him and strangles him naked...

Which actor would you most like to see in this scene?

1) Alex the Underwear Model?Alex The Model Is Chloroformed And Strangled In His Briefs Part Four 16.jpg
2) Tim the Innocent StudentInnocent Student Tim Is Strangled By The Masked Strangler (13).jpg
3) Trevor the Teenage ActorTeen Actor Trevor Is Strangled In His Underwear Alone In His Dressing Room (1).jpg

Also, what should his costume be?
1) Gladiator
2) Cowboy
3) High School Wrestler

Thanks for your help!
--Todd from BestDeaths
Tough one .. I really like Trevor! But I think I would like to see Alex in a new vid! So my vote is:

Alex as cowboy

Please pay close attention to the boot and sock being removed with a close up of the feet!

Thanks a lot!
Alex as a cowboy with his own lasso used to strangle him. (1, 2)
trevor as a cowboy so he can get strangled or hung by his lasso.
My first choice would be Trevor! as a wrestler with a focus on his feet as well!

But I wouldn't mind Alex as a wrestler with also focus on his feet as it does seems Alex is the popular one thus far!
You guys are making it tough to pick the best actor... I'm thinking about using all three!!Morgue.Still041.jpg
Why not use all three. The more dead bodies the better.
I definitely would agree with all three or at least both Trevor and Alex!