
Forum Elite
Oct 7, 2008

Officials of Shah's regime, killed by Khomeini government - and neatly paraded in their underwear for our enjoyment. Has first guy filled his briefs, or did his balls just hang low?
OMG mate, great post. Looks like first dude soiled his briefS!!
Thanks. Yes, I think he soiled his briefs, wish we saw more guys who've done that as they died!
do you have more from this set?
Nice, thanks. Maybe there's more out there?

Here's another - blue briefs showing his crack for us, and I think he's messed them slightly betweeen his thighs
great post. I think he soiled his pants dd

A few favourites from the Opasan zip file. Nice to see a few of them shat their pants and had itrecorded for posterity.
Nice one!
Some guys who died with their taste in underwear exposed for all to see. I do like to see a cute dead guy's undies!

There is nothing better than a cold stiff in hot undies.
Killed by a sickle

Yes, that really is by a sickle, not a bicycle. Nice foot, nice legs, nice cock, but face has seen better days.
Sorry, not strictly in his undies - should have made it a separate thread, but its past my bedtime so can't be bothered to change it.