
Forum Regular
Jun 4, 2010
Who is the oldest member here? I am 56. I used to be really popular, and still am with people who like daddy types. There is a huge range of men on here who like different things, and sorry Im just addressing men, because I am not a woman or could ever pretend why I would understand why women would want to be here.
I have many beautiful life experiences, with other men. Gorgeous men do not change weather you meet them in 1911 or 2011, when they were in their prime ,they were beautiful, the aging process sometimes is not kind, and the old make room for the new.
I am so thankful that there are young men that appreciate older men... something that is not said on here very often,but is true in my experience.
Maybe the younger men will not understand this if they are not interested in older guys, but when they turn older... they will.
Oh, and thank you Cute Dead guys..some people think you are a terrible website. I think you are doing a public service.
Hey stevio - interesting topic - just to pick up on one point - I am fortunate to count several older guys (gay) amongst my circle of friends. They ALL report that as they moved into their 40s that the attitude of many younger gay guys started to change towards them. Given the prejudices and diffuculties many of us gay guys (particularly gay necro's) have to live with I think it particularly dissapointing that some gay guys have this negative attitude to older gay men. What goes around comes around - and we will ALL find ourselves older gay guys - how would we want to be viewed then??

Thanks for posting :yes:
I'm 57, but I'm sure I'm not the oldest guy here, probably not by a long way.
And yes, some young guys act like us olders are from a different planet - but plenty don't, and some actively prefer older guys.
Interesting. I thought this sort of website would be populated by young adults.
Jesus Christ, my dad is younger than you guys. :faint:
I just turned fifty and some of my classmates have grand kids almost old enough to propagate. Some of them have died of natural causes. But, I don't feel as old as many people my age seem to. For some reason, a lot of them have become resigned to not having fun and avoiding sexual stimulation. It's like they let a part of them grow old and die before its time. Granted, I don't expect anybody my age to ride a skateboard. But, to just sit around, eat crap and die young is lame. I think what makes older people less attractive to younger is the cynicism. We have to suppress a desire to judge even if we know better. Many have to relearn the language of youth because it changed since we were young. Now, if you can't understand such things as cloud networks and apps that seem to have no application, you're probably dating yourself. Have you noticed hoow fat people think everybody is fat except them?

I suggest that a mistake many of us made in our younger days was to damage our complexions. Old guys can take off weight and become physically fit. We can even regrow hair if we want to make the effort. But, those who did all of the tanning in their youth have started looking pretty bad in their fifties. That's a problem for which there is still no cure. I have heard of some success with testosterone and stem cells but who can afford it? The only sure way of attracting young, fit guys when you get to be our age is to be rich and generous. I am neither. So, I guess I need stealth and deception. (and maybe chloroform ;-)
Those well thought out and honest statements are nice to read, and what I would expect from older gay men. Thanks for answering my post. I think that the real answer is to age with grace, and be yourself, careful to not be dismissive and judgmental, you can't go wrong showing another person respect. My boyfriend is 25 and he found me, not the other way around. Some older men prefer other older men. And some old guys are hot ! Meatpie.. come to
I'm in my thirties. About a year ago, I went to a bar with some younger friends. It was one of those places populated almost exclusively with cute young guys in their early to mid twenties, and I got a few strange looks, which I interpreted as "eww, what's that old dude doing here?" Kinda depressing.
Most everyone I knew in the 80's that were gay died of AIDS. I worked in gay bars and moved in that party circle. Somehow I survived.
I see it Jon, but I have actually been chased by many younger guys, who knows why? They are out there. I usually wait until they show interest not the other way around because that can be disappointing.
Attitude towards older guys is tough. That is why its important to take care of yourself. Stay lean and strong men. You are only as old as the guys you have consensual sex with. Postmortem sex doesn't count! ;)
I never sunbathed much Ive dreamed of using chloroform, but I don't think its practical and not as easy to use as a baseball
Some guys do not like skinny guys ether I think there is someone for everyone no matter how you look.
Ive been to Orlando, Sanford, Titusville and saw the shuttle go up before the one that exploded. It was a night launch and took lots of pictures!