
Forum Elite
Aug 28, 2009
Regulars here will know I am having trouble restoring my system after picking up a nasty virus. My Neighbors 20 year old son volunteered to come over and help me.

Turns out this hot young man has an interesting and unusual denim fetish. He likes to stand right behind you and reaching around - very gently rubs your cock and balls through your jeans - very slowly building you up until you eventually cum in your jeans!

Sadly my PC is still misbehaving - Double sadly - he is just leaving to go back to uni!! :aha:
Regulars here will know I am having trouble restoring my system after picking up a nasty virus. My Neighbors 20 year old son volunteered to come over and help me.

Turns out this hot young man has an interesting and unusual denim fetish. He likes to stand right behind you and reaching around - very gently rubs your cock and balls through your jeans - very slowly building you up until you eventually cum in your jeans!

Sadly my PC is still misbehaving - Double sadly - he is just leaving to go back to uni!! :aha:
this hot young man has an interesting and unusual denim fetish. He likes to stand right behind you and reaching around - very gently rubs your cock and balls through your jeans - very slowly building you up until you eventually cum in your jeans!

:hard lol:Awesome dude, sounds exciting!

His fetish pales into insignificance compared with your lust for dead guys, be careful not to leave him alone with your pc or he mght have a rummage and get a shocker!

...or he might get a boner and cum when he sees your vast collection, you can never be sure with these things!
