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Chapter 340. The Ten
Scott's time hopping around the Mediterranean islands was drawing to a close and before he left he wanted to ensure that he left the restaurant well stocked for its Brotherhood customers. The Sheikhs party had tired him out but the chance to kill more hunks was one he looked forward to.
He discussed the situation with the head chef and the two came up with an idea that would see ten hunks meet their maker.
The idea was simply and easy if carried out correctly, the hardest part was acquiring ten unwilling victims.
The chef waited whilst Scott hunted and in the end the victims were easily obtained through various means.
Hot rugby hunk Guy was the first to be led into the killing room that contained a metal troth in the middle of the room and a table with various tools covered by a sheet. A door way led to an adjacent room where the dead hunks bodies would be harvested for their meat.
Guy was on a rugby tour/holiday when Scott had caught sight of him one evening as he drunk in a club the killer happened to be checking. Downing drinks and in a rather drunk state Guy sat with his shirt open to reveal a sexy athletic story displaying a meaty pair of pecs and a set of solid abs. A Rosebery bead dangled from his neck but his faith in god wasn't going to keep him out of Scott's clutches.
Scott made his move when Guy left the club and in his intoxicated state found himself being split from the rest of his group.
Guy now demanded to know what was going on as he was led into the middle of the room and forced to kneel down dressed only in a pair of white CK boxers that showed off his powerful muscular legs.
"Look forward." Scott shouted as the chef flung a baseball bat that hit Guy on the side of the head with such force it stunned the hunk momentarily, which gave Scott enough time to grasp Guy's hair, pull his head back and run a knife across the exposed throat which immediately saw Guy gasp and gurgled as the blood splattered into the troth. Unable to bring his hands to the freshly inflicted wound the rugby stud found himself falling forwards as his blood slowly filled the troth.
The chef aided the release of blood by hoisting the muscular body up by its feet that saw a further initial gush of blood leave the body before settling into a number of small dribbles.
Guy's body was then dragged on a rail through into the slaughtering room where Scott took a final picture of the dead hunk before assisting the chef in harvesting Guy's meat.
The chef ensured nothing went to waste as he carefully cut away the smallest parts of edible meat.
Whilst the chef finished with the body Scott headed off to get victim number two.
Henry was spotted as he posed for a picture with his girlfriend by the pool. His lean athletic body dazzled under the sun's rays and Scott could already picture the stud being slaughtered.
An unsuspecting Henry carried on with his day with no idea that his every move was being stalked. He'd now moved from the pool to some fun by the beach and quickly stripped down to his lightly coloured boxers so his body could get a tan.
Henry didn’t know it yet but this one little move had signed his own death warrant as Scott was pleased with what the hottie now showed off. The sun shone off his smooth torso as Scott noticed Henry's left nipple was pierced; his boxers bulged slightly at the front as showed off his sexy lean legs. Bending down he picked up an American football and playfully tossed it to his girlfriend.
The abduction took place with the aide of a police officer who was in the Brotherhood when Henry told his girlfriend he was heading to get the pair an ice-cream. Placed in handcuffs and the victim of a simulated arrest Henry was driven to the restaurant where whilst still protesting he was led into the room that had been cleaned up since Guy's demise. He initially refused to get on his knees before Scott kicked him in the back of the leg which saw Henry drop to them. His baseball cap was removed and thrown to the floor as the chef smacked him around the head with the baseball bat which saw Scott then happily slit his throat.
Henry's blood gushed out before Scott this time massaged his chest to push more of the blood up the body and out of the wound. He then dragged the dead hunk into the slaughtering room and with the help of the chef lifted Henry onto the table. His hands explored the dead body initially starting at the bottom of his leg Scott slowly moved his hand up over the fine dark hairs before rubbing both hands over his thick thighs, groping the hunks private area and brushing one hand over the smooth athletic torso.
The chef passed the knife and allowed Scott to get down to business. Henry's corpse was quickly stripped of anything edible before the remains were placed in a wheel barrow and thrown into the incinerator.
Handsome cockney hunk Billy was the next victim, away on a lad’s holiday Scott bumped into him on the waterfront. Dressed in nothing but a pair of yellow shorts the hot hunk's athletic body quickly worked its way onto the meat list.
Scott struck up a brief conversation with Billy and offered to give the stud some complimentary tickets for his nightclub. Not wanting to turn down free tickets and drink Billy couldn’t wait to get his hands on them and followed his soon to be killer back to his office.
Once there Scott incapacitated Billy with chloroform and transported him to the restaurant. A still groggy Billy complied with the request to get on his knees and didn’t even have time to gather his senses before the bat struck him on the side of his head and his throat cut. He let out a long gurgle as his blood splattered into the troth. His body was quickly hung up so the rest of his blood emptied before being moved into the next room.
Scott aided the chef as the two made quick work of dismembering and harvesting the cockney hunk.
Scott was already out hunting more prey whilst the chef finished with the remnants of Billy's body.
Bobby was the unlucky who ended up being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The youngster was spotted as he walked along the strip of clubs and bars. His good looks were noticeable as he strolled along dressed in a striped vest and beige shorts. However it was what was written on the vest that made him a real target for Scott as the slogan 'Good for nothing.' Was splashed across the front.
On seeing that Scott paid a bit more attention to Bobby and came to the conclusion that the youngster was good for something. His meat would be good enough for the menu of the restaurant.
The stalking began and Scott made his move as Bobby went for a boat ride with a couple of friends he went on holiday with. The fact the captain and owner of the boat was a Brotherhood member who was at the Sheikhs party the night before helped Scott who knew Bobby would soon be being sliced and diced for the restaurant.
Bobby laughed and joked as he sat showing off his slightly tanned athletic body which added to his handsome looks made him a good target.
At one point he headed off downstairs to use the toilet unaware he was being followed by Scott. The killer waited patiently outside the door for his prey to return. The moment Bobby stepped back out into the hallway Scott pounced. A brief struggle began but Bobby quickly succumbed to the chloroform rag and fell unconscious.
An unconscious Bobby was placed into a back room whilst the captain issued a call of man over board to disguise Bobby's disappearance.
Everybody rushed to the side of the boat Bobby had reportedly fell from with the captain diving in to pretend to have a look. However thirty minutes later he stopped and climbed back into the boat telling Bobby's distraught friends that it was useless their friend had most likely drowned and his body carried anywhere.
Back at the docks the police were aware of the situation and helped transport Bobby to the restaurant where a still unconscious hunk was strung upside down over the troth and had his throat cut without ever waking up. Once the blood had drained his body was taken into the slaughtering room and stripped of its meat.
Scott already had another target in mind. He'd seen James earlier in the day as the hunk played about in a Jacuzzi.
He knew that the hunk wouldn’t be too far from there and immediately headed over to see if his hunch was right.
Scott wasn’t to be disappointed as he caught sight of James standing by the Jacuzzi with some friends; he wore a pool inflatable around his body which still showed off his hot athletic body.
His friends were all dressed in clubbing gear whilst James was still in his pool wear.
Scott overheard him say "He'd join them shortly but wanted a bit more fun." What his friends didn’t know was that James was waiting for a girl to arrive to have some fun with them. Once his friends left James climbed back into the pool and anticipated the girl’s arrival.
However James was in for a shock as Scott approached the hunk as he relaxed in the pool and immediately pushed James's head down. The attack took James by surprise who took in a mouthful of water. Scott wanted to ensure the hunk was quickly killed and upped his attack as James's arms thrashed about as he tried to grab up at Scott, his kicking legs splashed water all over as Scott pushed further down.
The attack continued for a few more minutes before James's arms fell limply into the water as his legs remained still. A few bubbles escaped from the hunks mouth as he stared blankly up from beneath the water.
Scott wasted no time as he slung James's dripping body over his shoulder and placed it on the back seat of his car.
The chef was surprised when he arrived dragging James's body in, but before he could say anything Scott got in first "I had to finish him off there. So let’s get chopping."
James's body was hoisted up by his feet and his throat cut so the blood could drain from the body.
Once completed the body was lain out and dismembered by Scott and the chef with James's fine cuts being placed on the side as the rest was minced up.
Ryan was the next holiday maker to meet his maker. He was spotted as he sat shirtless in a burger diner sipping from his drink. Something about him made Scott want to finish him off.
The hunk was was chloroformed and bundled into the car as he walked back to his hotel. Scott drove back to the restaurant and took some time undressing Ryan before he came round. He stripped his prey to his black boxers and started to fondle with the body. Running his hands up Ryan's well defined legs and athletic body. The moment Ryan stirred his arms were tied behind his back and when he was able to he was walked into the killing room.
The chef looked Ryan up and down before giving Scott a nod of approval.
The young hunk had no time to protest as he was forced to his knees and struck around the head with the baseball bat. Still stunned Scott pulled his head back and slit Ryan's throat from ear to ear. His body arched forwards as he gargled on the escaping blood before slopping over into the troth.
Once the blood was drained from Ryan's body he was moved into the next room and lain out on the table where Scott gave the body one last fondle and then got down to harvesting Ryan's flesh.
Four more guys had to be disposed of and Scott was already hunting for the next one. He spotted his next piece of prey in the town square.
Harvey wore a white Nike air vest and grey shorts and it was his legs that were on show that Scott found himself being drawn towards.
He mingled near the hunk and heard Harvey tell one of his friends that he was heading off into the mountains for a walk later that day. His friend refused to go with him which gave Scott a free attempt to kidnap the stud.
Harvey went about his business unaware he was being stalked by a killer. Now dressed in a grey shirt and short black shorts that showed off his fantastic legs even more Harvey prepared to leave. He finally placed his backpack on and headed off on his walk. Scott kept a good distance from his prey as he didn’t want to spook him. He would wait until Harvey was further out of sight and make his move then.
The benefit if a mountain walk was that the area was pretty secluded with hardly any people taking the trails. Once the terrain levelled out Scott prepared to strike.
The killer found a heavy rock and rushed up to attack Harvey striking him hard on the side on the side of the head. Harvey let out an "omph" then fell forwards in the light bush his eyes still wide open with blood coming from the wound Scott had just created. Scott turned Harvey over his vacant eyes stared up at him as he immediately tried to find a pulse to no avail. Scott tried again but was still unable to find one. He pulled off Harvey's backpack and removed his shirt to see if his chest rose even rose the slightest. But again it didn’t.
It seemed that the blow to the head had struck Harvey on the temple killing him immediately. Scott wasn’t that fussed it meant he could have some fun with the dead hunk. He let his hands explore Harvey's smooth well defined legs and solid athletic body before pulling down Harvey's underwear and fucking the fresh corpse.
Once complete the hunks body was discreetly carried down the side of the mountain and back to the restaurant where Scott told the chef this was one stud he was going to cut up alone. Harvey’s body was laid out on the table as Scott explored every sexy Creve’s before placing his hands at the bottom of each of the hunks legs and running them up over the smooth warm skin.
He picked up a knife and cut into Harvey's sexy body making quick work of the job, ensuring that all edible meat was removed and placed on the side and allowing the chef to remove the remaining parts and do what he did best.
Scott wasted no time in acquiring the next hunk, he'd spotted rugby hunk Ben as he walked shirtless along the beach his stocky but athletic torso dazzling in the sun. Scott quickly captured the hunk and conveyed him to the restaurant.
An aggressive and wound up Ben was led into the slaughtering room and initially refused to comply with the orders to get to his knees. The guys tried to force him down but the hunk dressed only in a tight pair of y-fronts resisted.
Unperturbed the chef picked up the baseball bat and brought it crashing down on the side if Ben's head. The hot rugby stud let out an "oomph" and stood dazed giving Scott enough time to grab his hair pull his head back and cut Ben's throat.
Ben gurgled on his own blood as he brought his hands up to try and stem the blood flow before quickly collapsing over the troth which quickly filled with the hottie's blood.
Scott knelt down and massaged the hunks torso pushing what blood was left out through the wound he had caused.
The chef and Scott carried Ben into the room where the bodies were cut up. The chef laid him on the floor whilst he set up his equipment which was enough time for Scott to have some fun with his latest victim’s body.
Two slits were made in Ben's heels as hooks were placed in them that strung him up. This was the chef's preferred method of harvesting and he worked his way around the body like an artist painting canvass. Ben's body was harvested in no time at all.
Scott decided to hunt for his next victim a little closer to home as he settled on targeting a guy who stayed at his hotel. The first such guy to catch his attention was Andrew who he spotted chatting with a few friends by the pool. His well-tanned athletic body seemed to dazzle under the sun as he wore a pink pair of shorts and white sunglasses.
He waited patiently watching Andrew's every move and pounced when the hunk split from his mates and headed back to his room. Andrew had barely opened the door before Scott had shoved the chloroform rag into his face. A brief struggle occurred that would only see one winner as Andrew succumbed to the fumes and fell unconscious. Scott quickly dragged the limp stud to the secret passageway and that led to his own room where he lay Andrew out on the bed and took some time to undress his latest prey. His hands explored the stud’s wonderful torso before the temptation overtook him and he decided to rape the unconscious hunk.
Quickly removing Andrew's underwear and spreading his legs apart he carefully mounted his prey and began the gentle thrusts that saw Andrew's body rock gently back and forth.
Scott was midway through fucking Andrew when to his surprise the once unconscious hunk opened his eyes. A look of fear and panic flashed onto Andrew's face as he lifted his hands to try and push Scott off. However Scott was having none of it as he continued to fuck his prey whilst he now held a pillow over Andrew's face. The hunks pleas for help where now muffled as his struggles now meant that he did most of the work and Scott was simply along for the ride.
Andrew's hands slapped against Scott's chest which was eventually followed by a final long gasp/moan as Andrew's body arched up and then fell limply onto the bed.
Scott intensified his thrusts before finally firing his load deep into the dead hunk.
He took a few moments to play around with Andrew's hunky body before heading downstairs and moving his car closer to the hotel staff exit.
As he walked to the car he bumped into Jack a hot hunk who he had wanted to kill since the moment he saw him. Jack was dressed in nothing apart a pair of yellow shorts which showed off his tanned sexy lean body and fantastic pair of legs.
He'd spoken to Jack when he'd booked in and there was something about the cocky hunk who appeared to like a laugh and a joke.
On seeing Scott Jack gave a curtsey wave and carried on talking to his friends.
With the car now in position Scott headed back upstairs and wrapped Andrew's still warm corpse in a duvet and carried him out to the car. He felt a tap on his shoulder as he struggled to get the package into his car. Nearly jumping out of his skin Scott turned to see Jack who said "Need some help." Scott was more concerned about what Jack was wearing then what he offered as he caught sight of the young hunk up close and personal. He'd changed from his yellow shorts into a black pair, he still showed off his fantastic lean body and great legs. Jack had already started to help push Andrew's wrapped up body into the car with Scott before the killer could stop him. Once the body was in the back Scott quickly slammed the door and turned his attention towards Jack.
"Thanks for the help mate. Where you off two?"
He said trying to find out where his next victim was going.
"Just heading to the beach." Jack replied "I want to catch some rays."
Scott had an idea as he offered Jack a lift to the beach telling him he could get a prime spot if he got there early and was surprised that despite the warm weather the hunk accepted.
Jack jumped into the passenger seat and buckled himself in. The killer and intended prey talked as they drove along but Scott couldn’t stop himself from throwing the odd glance over at the shirtless hunk and had to stop himself from touching Jack's leg which was positioned next to the gear lever. The temptation to touch one of the legs grew as the young hottie wasn’t making it easy for Scott as he straightened and flexed his legs.
The two laughed and joked as the drive continued over some roads that weren’t in the greatest condition. As Scott drove over a pothole one of Andrew's arms dropped from the wrapped up duvet, he noticed this as he looked into his rear view mirror and immediately panicked that Jack might see it. He pulled to the side of the road and told Jack he needed to get something from the back.
Jack was preoccupied with his phone as Scott opened the back door of the car. He was about to push Andrew's arm back under the duvet when he saw one of his ties stuffed down the backseat and changed his plans. He wrapped the tie around both wrists and flung it around Jack's neck. The attack took the hot hunk by surprise as he dropped his phone to the floor and instinctively bought his hands up to his throat and try to relieve the pressure of the ever tightening ligature.
"Please stop." Jack begged through his frantic gasps for breath, but buckled in by the seat belt and the locked car door he was fighting a losing battle. His sexy legs frantically kicked out as he fought for his life. The attack went on for a few more minutes before Jack let out a long final gasp as his arms dropped limply onto his lap as his legs remained still.
Scott kept the ligature wrapped tightly around Jack's throat and his gently rocked the studs head from side to side before jumping back into the driver’s seat and turning his attention towards his latest victim’s body.
His hand gently stroked one of Jack's thighs as it worked from outside to inside before groping the dead hunks bulge and then slowly starting to fondle with sexy lean torso. He rubbed Jack's cheeks as he apologised for what he done and firing up the car again. During the drive to the restaurant Scott placed one of his hands on Jack's legs and gently massaged it as he drove along.
"This one’s yours to cut up." Scott shouted as he dragged the duvet containing Andrew's body into the room. The chef walked over and unwrapped the duvet.
"Nice. He looks a good one." The chef said as he stared down at Andrew's muscular body.
" great, I've got another in the car for myself. So you start on him and I’ll work on mine." Replied Scott as he headed back to his car to get Jack.
"Wow he's quite a hottie." The chef said as Scott dragged Jack in "nice pair of legs on him."
"I know." Replied Scott "I’m having some fun with him first."
As the chef headed into the next room to start on Andrew, Scott placed Jack's body on the couch in the corner and immediately started to fondle his latest victim.
He then pulled Jack's shorts down and began to fuck the handsome hunk. His hands explored Jack's lean torso as it rocked back and forth under each hard thrust Scott made. Scott could sense his orgasmic moment was near and clenched Jack's shoulders lifted his head and kissed the dead stud on his lips.
Once he was finished Scott carried Jack to the spare table and began to harvest the meat from his body. He savoured every moment the knife sliced through Jack's body and paid particular attention to his wonderful legs. He cut one of his thighs into steaks, fillets and joints.
Once he'd finished cutting Jack up he placed the hunks severed head on the side and picked up his other thigh.
Looking down at the slab of meat Scott wrapped it in paper and placed it in a foam box if ice so it could be posted back to his home.
With ten guys now dead their heads proudly on display in the private members part of the restaurant and their tasty meat harvested for use in the restaurant, Scott and the chef relaxed as two prime cuts of meat cooked in the oven. Scott had chosen a piece from Jack whilst the chef took a piece he'd cut from Harvey's body.
The two were nothing but complimentary of the succulent meat their had eaten before Scott told the chef he'd be back over in no time at all.
Scott's time hopping around the Mediterranean islands was drawing to a close and before he left he wanted to ensure that he left the restaurant well stocked for its Brotherhood customers. The Sheikhs party had tired him out but the chance to kill more hunks was one he looked forward to.
He discussed the situation with the head chef and the two came up with an idea that would see ten hunks meet their maker.
The idea was simply and easy if carried out correctly, the hardest part was acquiring ten unwilling victims.
The chef waited whilst Scott hunted and in the end the victims were easily obtained through various means.
Hot rugby hunk Guy was the first to be led into the killing room that contained a metal troth in the middle of the room and a table with various tools covered by a sheet. A door way led to an adjacent room where the dead hunks bodies would be harvested for their meat.
Guy was on a rugby tour/holiday when Scott had caught sight of him one evening as he drunk in a club the killer happened to be checking. Downing drinks and in a rather drunk state Guy sat with his shirt open to reveal a sexy athletic story displaying a meaty pair of pecs and a set of solid abs. A Rosebery bead dangled from his neck but his faith in god wasn't going to keep him out of Scott's clutches.

Scott made his move when Guy left the club and in his intoxicated state found himself being split from the rest of his group.
Guy now demanded to know what was going on as he was led into the middle of the room and forced to kneel down dressed only in a pair of white CK boxers that showed off his powerful muscular legs.
"Look forward." Scott shouted as the chef flung a baseball bat that hit Guy on the side of the head with such force it stunned the hunk momentarily, which gave Scott enough time to grasp Guy's hair, pull his head back and run a knife across the exposed throat which immediately saw Guy gasp and gurgled as the blood splattered into the troth. Unable to bring his hands to the freshly inflicted wound the rugby stud found himself falling forwards as his blood slowly filled the troth.
The chef aided the release of blood by hoisting the muscular body up by its feet that saw a further initial gush of blood leave the body before settling into a number of small dribbles.
Guy's body was then dragged on a rail through into the slaughtering room where Scott took a final picture of the dead hunk before assisting the chef in harvesting Guy's meat.

The chef ensured nothing went to waste as he carefully cut away the smallest parts of edible meat.
Whilst the chef finished with the body Scott headed off to get victim number two.
Henry was spotted as he posed for a picture with his girlfriend by the pool. His lean athletic body dazzled under the sun's rays and Scott could already picture the stud being slaughtered.

An unsuspecting Henry carried on with his day with no idea that his every move was being stalked. He'd now moved from the pool to some fun by the beach and quickly stripped down to his lightly coloured boxers so his body could get a tan.
Henry didn’t know it yet but this one little move had signed his own death warrant as Scott was pleased with what the hottie now showed off. The sun shone off his smooth torso as Scott noticed Henry's left nipple was pierced; his boxers bulged slightly at the front as showed off his sexy lean legs. Bending down he picked up an American football and playfully tossed it to his girlfriend.

The abduction took place with the aide of a police officer who was in the Brotherhood when Henry told his girlfriend he was heading to get the pair an ice-cream. Placed in handcuffs and the victim of a simulated arrest Henry was driven to the restaurant where whilst still protesting he was led into the room that had been cleaned up since Guy's demise. He initially refused to get on his knees before Scott kicked him in the back of the leg which saw Henry drop to them. His baseball cap was removed and thrown to the floor as the chef smacked him around the head with the baseball bat which saw Scott then happily slit his throat.
Henry's blood gushed out before Scott this time massaged his chest to push more of the blood up the body and out of the wound. He then dragged the dead hunk into the slaughtering room and with the help of the chef lifted Henry onto the table. His hands explored the dead body initially starting at the bottom of his leg Scott slowly moved his hand up over the fine dark hairs before rubbing both hands over his thick thighs, groping the hunks private area and brushing one hand over the smooth athletic torso.

The chef passed the knife and allowed Scott to get down to business. Henry's corpse was quickly stripped of anything edible before the remains were placed in a wheel barrow and thrown into the incinerator.
Handsome cockney hunk Billy was the next victim, away on a lad’s holiday Scott bumped into him on the waterfront. Dressed in nothing but a pair of yellow shorts the hot hunk's athletic body quickly worked its way onto the meat list.

Scott struck up a brief conversation with Billy and offered to give the stud some complimentary tickets for his nightclub. Not wanting to turn down free tickets and drink Billy couldn’t wait to get his hands on them and followed his soon to be killer back to his office.
Once there Scott incapacitated Billy with chloroform and transported him to the restaurant. A still groggy Billy complied with the request to get on his knees and didn’t even have time to gather his senses before the bat struck him on the side of his head and his throat cut. He let out a long gurgle as his blood splattered into the troth. His body was quickly hung up so the rest of his blood emptied before being moved into the next room.
Scott aided the chef as the two made quick work of dismembering and harvesting the cockney hunk.

Scott was already out hunting more prey whilst the chef finished with the remnants of Billy's body.
Bobby was the unlucky who ended up being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The youngster was spotted as he walked along the strip of clubs and bars. His good looks were noticeable as he strolled along dressed in a striped vest and beige shorts. However it was what was written on the vest that made him a real target for Scott as the slogan 'Good for nothing.' Was splashed across the front.

On seeing that Scott paid a bit more attention to Bobby and came to the conclusion that the youngster was good for something. His meat would be good enough for the menu of the restaurant.
The stalking began and Scott made his move as Bobby went for a boat ride with a couple of friends he went on holiday with. The fact the captain and owner of the boat was a Brotherhood member who was at the Sheikhs party the night before helped Scott who knew Bobby would soon be being sliced and diced for the restaurant.
Bobby laughed and joked as he sat showing off his slightly tanned athletic body which added to his handsome looks made him a good target.

At one point he headed off downstairs to use the toilet unaware he was being followed by Scott. The killer waited patiently outside the door for his prey to return. The moment Bobby stepped back out into the hallway Scott pounced. A brief struggle began but Bobby quickly succumbed to the chloroform rag and fell unconscious.
An unconscious Bobby was placed into a back room whilst the captain issued a call of man over board to disguise Bobby's disappearance.
Everybody rushed to the side of the boat Bobby had reportedly fell from with the captain diving in to pretend to have a look. However thirty minutes later he stopped and climbed back into the boat telling Bobby's distraught friends that it was useless their friend had most likely drowned and his body carried anywhere.
Back at the docks the police were aware of the situation and helped transport Bobby to the restaurant where a still unconscious hunk was strung upside down over the troth and had his throat cut without ever waking up. Once the blood had drained his body was taken into the slaughtering room and stripped of its meat.
Scott already had another target in mind. He'd seen James earlier in the day as the hunk played about in a Jacuzzi.

He knew that the hunk wouldn’t be too far from there and immediately headed over to see if his hunch was right.
Scott wasn’t to be disappointed as he caught sight of James standing by the Jacuzzi with some friends; he wore a pool inflatable around his body which still showed off his hot athletic body.

His friends were all dressed in clubbing gear whilst James was still in his pool wear.
Scott overheard him say "He'd join them shortly but wanted a bit more fun." What his friends didn’t know was that James was waiting for a girl to arrive to have some fun with them. Once his friends left James climbed back into the pool and anticipated the girl’s arrival.
However James was in for a shock as Scott approached the hunk as he relaxed in the pool and immediately pushed James's head down. The attack took James by surprise who took in a mouthful of water. Scott wanted to ensure the hunk was quickly killed and upped his attack as James's arms thrashed about as he tried to grab up at Scott, his kicking legs splashed water all over as Scott pushed further down.
The attack continued for a few more minutes before James's arms fell limply into the water as his legs remained still. A few bubbles escaped from the hunks mouth as he stared blankly up from beneath the water.
Scott wasted no time as he slung James's dripping body over his shoulder and placed it on the back seat of his car.
The chef was surprised when he arrived dragging James's body in, but before he could say anything Scott got in first "I had to finish him off there. So let’s get chopping."
James's body was hoisted up by his feet and his throat cut so the blood could drain from the body.
Once completed the body was lain out and dismembered by Scott and the chef with James's fine cuts being placed on the side as the rest was minced up.

Ryan was the next holiday maker to meet his maker. He was spotted as he sat shirtless in a burger diner sipping from his drink. Something about him made Scott want to finish him off.

The hunk was was chloroformed and bundled into the car as he walked back to his hotel. Scott drove back to the restaurant and took some time undressing Ryan before he came round. He stripped his prey to his black boxers and started to fondle with the body. Running his hands up Ryan's well defined legs and athletic body. The moment Ryan stirred his arms were tied behind his back and when he was able to he was walked into the killing room.
The chef looked Ryan up and down before giving Scott a nod of approval.

The young hunk had no time to protest as he was forced to his knees and struck around the head with the baseball bat. Still stunned Scott pulled his head back and slit Ryan's throat from ear to ear. His body arched forwards as he gargled on the escaping blood before slopping over into the troth.
Once the blood was drained from Ryan's body he was moved into the next room and lain out on the table where Scott gave the body one last fondle and then got down to harvesting Ryan's flesh.

Four more guys had to be disposed of and Scott was already hunting for the next one. He spotted his next piece of prey in the town square.
Harvey wore a white Nike air vest and grey shorts and it was his legs that were on show that Scott found himself being drawn towards.

He mingled near the hunk and heard Harvey tell one of his friends that he was heading off into the mountains for a walk later that day. His friend refused to go with him which gave Scott a free attempt to kidnap the stud.
Harvey went about his business unaware he was being stalked by a killer. Now dressed in a grey shirt and short black shorts that showed off his fantastic legs even more Harvey prepared to leave. He finally placed his backpack on and headed off on his walk. Scott kept a good distance from his prey as he didn’t want to spook him. He would wait until Harvey was further out of sight and make his move then.
The benefit if a mountain walk was that the area was pretty secluded with hardly any people taking the trails. Once the terrain levelled out Scott prepared to strike.

The killer found a heavy rock and rushed up to attack Harvey striking him hard on the side on the side of the head. Harvey let out an "omph" then fell forwards in the light bush his eyes still wide open with blood coming from the wound Scott had just created. Scott turned Harvey over his vacant eyes stared up at him as he immediately tried to find a pulse to no avail. Scott tried again but was still unable to find one. He pulled off Harvey's backpack and removed his shirt to see if his chest rose even rose the slightest. But again it didn’t.
It seemed that the blow to the head had struck Harvey on the temple killing him immediately. Scott wasn’t that fussed it meant he could have some fun with the dead hunk. He let his hands explore Harvey's smooth well defined legs and solid athletic body before pulling down Harvey's underwear and fucking the fresh corpse.
Once complete the hunks body was discreetly carried down the side of the mountain and back to the restaurant where Scott told the chef this was one stud he was going to cut up alone. Harvey’s body was laid out on the table as Scott explored every sexy Creve’s before placing his hands at the bottom of each of the hunks legs and running them up over the smooth warm skin.

He picked up a knife and cut into Harvey's sexy body making quick work of the job, ensuring that all edible meat was removed and placed on the side and allowing the chef to remove the remaining parts and do what he did best.
Scott wasted no time in acquiring the next hunk, he'd spotted rugby hunk Ben as he walked shirtless along the beach his stocky but athletic torso dazzling in the sun. Scott quickly captured the hunk and conveyed him to the restaurant.
An aggressive and wound up Ben was led into the slaughtering room and initially refused to comply with the orders to get to his knees. The guys tried to force him down but the hunk dressed only in a tight pair of y-fronts resisted.
Unperturbed the chef picked up the baseball bat and brought it crashing down on the side if Ben's head. The hot rugby stud let out an "oomph" and stood dazed giving Scott enough time to grab his hair pull his head back and cut Ben's throat.
Ben gurgled on his own blood as he brought his hands up to try and stem the blood flow before quickly collapsing over the troth which quickly filled with the hottie's blood.
Scott knelt down and massaged the hunks torso pushing what blood was left out through the wound he had caused.
The chef and Scott carried Ben into the room where the bodies were cut up. The chef laid him on the floor whilst he set up his equipment which was enough time for Scott to have some fun with his latest victim’s body.

Two slits were made in Ben's heels as hooks were placed in them that strung him up. This was the chef's preferred method of harvesting and he worked his way around the body like an artist painting canvass. Ben's body was harvested in no time at all.
Scott decided to hunt for his next victim a little closer to home as he settled on targeting a guy who stayed at his hotel. The first such guy to catch his attention was Andrew who he spotted chatting with a few friends by the pool. His well-tanned athletic body seemed to dazzle under the sun as he wore a pink pair of shorts and white sunglasses.

He waited patiently watching Andrew's every move and pounced when the hunk split from his mates and headed back to his room. Andrew had barely opened the door before Scott had shoved the chloroform rag into his face. A brief struggle occurred that would only see one winner as Andrew succumbed to the fumes and fell unconscious. Scott quickly dragged the limp stud to the secret passageway and that led to his own room where he lay Andrew out on the bed and took some time to undress his latest prey. His hands explored the stud’s wonderful torso before the temptation overtook him and he decided to rape the unconscious hunk.
Quickly removing Andrew's underwear and spreading his legs apart he carefully mounted his prey and began the gentle thrusts that saw Andrew's body rock gently back and forth.
Scott was midway through fucking Andrew when to his surprise the once unconscious hunk opened his eyes. A look of fear and panic flashed onto Andrew's face as he lifted his hands to try and push Scott off. However Scott was having none of it as he continued to fuck his prey whilst he now held a pillow over Andrew's face. The hunks pleas for help where now muffled as his struggles now meant that he did most of the work and Scott was simply along for the ride.
Andrew's hands slapped against Scott's chest which was eventually followed by a final long gasp/moan as Andrew's body arched up and then fell limply onto the bed.
Scott intensified his thrusts before finally firing his load deep into the dead hunk.

He took a few moments to play around with Andrew's hunky body before heading downstairs and moving his car closer to the hotel staff exit.
As he walked to the car he bumped into Jack a hot hunk who he had wanted to kill since the moment he saw him. Jack was dressed in nothing apart a pair of yellow shorts which showed off his tanned sexy lean body and fantastic pair of legs.

He'd spoken to Jack when he'd booked in and there was something about the cocky hunk who appeared to like a laugh and a joke.
On seeing Scott Jack gave a curtsey wave and carried on talking to his friends.
With the car now in position Scott headed back upstairs and wrapped Andrew's still warm corpse in a duvet and carried him out to the car. He felt a tap on his shoulder as he struggled to get the package into his car. Nearly jumping out of his skin Scott turned to see Jack who said "Need some help." Scott was more concerned about what Jack was wearing then what he offered as he caught sight of the young hunk up close and personal. He'd changed from his yellow shorts into a black pair, he still showed off his fantastic lean body and great legs. Jack had already started to help push Andrew's wrapped up body into the car with Scott before the killer could stop him. Once the body was in the back Scott quickly slammed the door and turned his attention towards Jack.
"Thanks for the help mate. Where you off two?"
He said trying to find out where his next victim was going.
"Just heading to the beach." Jack replied "I want to catch some rays."
Scott had an idea as he offered Jack a lift to the beach telling him he could get a prime spot if he got there early and was surprised that despite the warm weather the hunk accepted.

Jack jumped into the passenger seat and buckled himself in. The killer and intended prey talked as they drove along but Scott couldn’t stop himself from throwing the odd glance over at the shirtless hunk and had to stop himself from touching Jack's leg which was positioned next to the gear lever. The temptation to touch one of the legs grew as the young hottie wasn’t making it easy for Scott as he straightened and flexed his legs.

The two laughed and joked as the drive continued over some roads that weren’t in the greatest condition. As Scott drove over a pothole one of Andrew's arms dropped from the wrapped up duvet, he noticed this as he looked into his rear view mirror and immediately panicked that Jack might see it. He pulled to the side of the road and told Jack he needed to get something from the back.
Jack was preoccupied with his phone as Scott opened the back door of the car. He was about to push Andrew's arm back under the duvet when he saw one of his ties stuffed down the backseat and changed his plans. He wrapped the tie around both wrists and flung it around Jack's neck. The attack took the hot hunk by surprise as he dropped his phone to the floor and instinctively bought his hands up to his throat and try to relieve the pressure of the ever tightening ligature.
"Please stop." Jack begged through his frantic gasps for breath, but buckled in by the seat belt and the locked car door he was fighting a losing battle. His sexy legs frantically kicked out as he fought for his life. The attack went on for a few more minutes before Jack let out a long final gasp as his arms dropped limply onto his lap as his legs remained still.
Scott kept the ligature wrapped tightly around Jack's throat and his gently rocked the studs head from side to side before jumping back into the driver’s seat and turning his attention towards his latest victim’s body.
His hand gently stroked one of Jack's thighs as it worked from outside to inside before groping the dead hunks bulge and then slowly starting to fondle with sexy lean torso. He rubbed Jack's cheeks as he apologised for what he done and firing up the car again. During the drive to the restaurant Scott placed one of his hands on Jack's legs and gently massaged it as he drove along.
"This one’s yours to cut up." Scott shouted as he dragged the duvet containing Andrew's body into the room. The chef walked over and unwrapped the duvet.
"Nice. He looks a good one." The chef said as he stared down at Andrew's muscular body.

" great, I've got another in the car for myself. So you start on him and I’ll work on mine." Replied Scott as he headed back to his car to get Jack.
"Wow he's quite a hottie." The chef said as Scott dragged Jack in "nice pair of legs on him."
"I know." Replied Scott "I’m having some fun with him first."
As the chef headed into the next room to start on Andrew, Scott placed Jack's body on the couch in the corner and immediately started to fondle his latest victim.

He then pulled Jack's shorts down and began to fuck the handsome hunk. His hands explored Jack's lean torso as it rocked back and forth under each hard thrust Scott made. Scott could sense his orgasmic moment was near and clenched Jack's shoulders lifted his head and kissed the dead stud on his lips.
Once he was finished Scott carried Jack to the spare table and began to harvest the meat from his body. He savoured every moment the knife sliced through Jack's body and paid particular attention to his wonderful legs. He cut one of his thighs into steaks, fillets and joints.
Once he'd finished cutting Jack up he placed the hunks severed head on the side and picked up his other thigh.

Looking down at the slab of meat Scott wrapped it in paper and placed it in a foam box if ice so it could be posted back to his home.
With ten guys now dead their heads proudly on display in the private members part of the restaurant and their tasty meat harvested for use in the restaurant, Scott and the chef relaxed as two prime cuts of meat cooked in the oven. Scott had chosen a piece from Jack whilst the chef took a piece he'd cut from Harvey's body.
The two were nothing but complimentary of the succulent meat their had eaten before Scott told the chef he'd be back over in no time at all.