Ohhh, what a beauty! Thanks metal, many new to me. :stroke:
Well done metal.
OMG, crazy collection thanks!!!!

:number one:
Great additions metal, thanks!
Great additions.

Do you have more of this beauty?

:heart love:
Thanks metal, what a beauty. :bow:
Was just checking last night's pics, ad my viruscheck is going off left right and centre. What's happening?
Your PC is infected, or your antivirus is blocking popups from imagebam.
Suddenly started as I was viewing - cd have been from here or Imagebam, but viruscheck told me I had incoming infectiions (or was that a scam?). Logging off now - going away for few days, leave in 15 mins. will run full viruscheck when |I get back. Anyone else having problems?
Of course no one else is having problems, do you think we wouldn't have noticed by now?

I suggest youuse anti-virus software like Avira or malwarebytes.