
Forum Elite
Established Member
Mar 12, 2011
The Netherworld
the historical Julius Caesar suvived his kidnapping and killed the kidnappers. So history doesn't always repeat itself I guess....
never too young to die. i wish i was there to take a deep long tour in his hairy teenager ass.
the historical Julius Caesar suvived his kidnapping and killed the kidnappers. So history doesn't always repeat itself I guess....
I think kidnappers knew history too and were prepared this time:cute wink:
Horrific! I am devastating as I imagine what these horrible criminal kidnapers made to this boy during the kidnaping of him. These bad criminal men possibly made to this boy during the kidnaping horrific actions before his killing or to be right certainly. These actions are unacceptable against a child with this beautiful body. From Greece with love.
Uhm. Hate to be insensitive, but nice, furry ass....