In the United States, the show is called A Thousand Ways To Die. Those are some very hot actors playing dead guys. I often suspect that their means of death is exaggerated or otherwise sanitized. Peeing on an electric farm fence won't kill you unless you have a heart condition. It will hurt incredibly and might burn you internally. But, its low current. Peeing on a prison fence would likely kill you.

Cannibals do not boil people alive to eat. Contrary to many movies, they kill and slaughter them first. They dress the meat out just like other animals and usually roast best parts. Where would a primitive tribe get a giant pot to cook in?

The steroid death is fairly accurate. Wouldn't you just love to come across a hot jock that just had a massive heart attack. You could put him on the floor and work him over as you try to save him. Who cares if he has already gone cold. I'd be on him pumping that chest and giving breaths among other things until I passed out. When I came to, I'd get right back at it. I might break for half an hour for lunch. But, I will continue to work on him because I just might save his life. ;-)
I love that show the steroid death is my favorite because because it involves two of my favorite things: heart related deaths and muscular men