
Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
Online sales are a booming business and are a convenient way to quickly download your favourite movies, clips or books.

While we encourage this kind of online business and have members who sell their own content with the help of our community we STRONGLY advise against trying to sell content you don't own.

Not only you will lose your account on our site but if the copyright onwers want to take legal action against you we will cooperate.

Several members already burnt that way, don't even try it.

The guys from Film 911 are very angry that some of you started selling their vids and we will cooperate with them if any further fradulent activity is suspected.


Cute Dead Guys Forum team.
What about trading or sharing old content that is not currently available for purchase?

I've seen that Film911 guy threatening people in a couple threads, but I'm wondering what the harm is in sharing the old ones, as long as nobody is making a profit, of course.

Seems silly to censor something that could potentially even be free advertising. And with how much those particular videos cost, I'm guessing they need all the visibility they can get.

Or is it kinda one of those, "if I'm not making any money, then nobody gets to see it" kinda things?

That's rude. Just my opinion.
You are right that CDG is about sharing content but when we are contacted by the owners of the website the original content came from we will take action to prevent the distribution of copyrighted material.

Morbidtech is a defunct website yet they still hold the copyright over their material. We are lucky however that the owner of the site has granted us permission to distribute their material.

The post is about trying to sell copyrighted material, not about whether we should share or not.
I purchased a film from 911 as a result of seeing some stills here. I would never have known about their product except that it was briefly shared here. Btw, I like your new profile pic, Meatpie!
Film 911 is gone - both website, youtube channel etc because what they were doing was also illegal but we repsect other people's websites and decided to post this warning to anyone who plans on using the forums as their trading ground.