This image was recently posted in black and white with a photoshoped image of a chinese woman who is allegely her alive

This image came from a goresite where a posrer continually attaches images of live people he knows nothing about next to gore/death images.

This is the image in color.

A woman being eviscerated with some kind of tongs. I found this picture in a strange blog. Perhaps you could recognise this picture. In any case, I hope the community will find it interesting

She is NOT being "eviscerated with tongs".
The examiner is searching for pettichae, which are tiny hrmorhages, generally in the white of the eyes but they can occur anywhere due to venous preload, almosr always caused by ligature termination, and constriction of her carotids.
She is NOT being "eviscerated with tongs".
The examiner is searching for pettichae, which are tiny hrmorhages, generally in the white of the eyes but they can occur anywhere due to venous preload, almosr always caused by ligature termination, and constriction of her carotids.
I posted that comment next to an image of tongs pulling a women's lips appart. In the photo these are bolt-cutters, used to cut cartilidge.

The petticae are hemmorhages caused by high venous preload, the primary cause of death in ligature asphyxia. This is due to compression of the left and right carotids.

So called "death throes" in the case of a female (or male) are actually seizures which present as shown in the diagrams, and may include arcing of the back and shuddering.

Serial killer Gerard Schaefer found them to be the most erotic part of slow hanging, but noted "they did not always occur".

They can be induced by brain damage, such as by hitting a victim in the head with a bat, hammer, or in the case of Ted Bundy, a strike from a tire iron.

Also by crushing skull injuries or of a small .22 round in the head (this can sometimes cause immediate death)

Or by a sequence of "near strangulations" when a victim is brought to the point of desth, revived, and the process repeated.

The illustration shows what they look like and are violent convulsions, where the victim may "buck like a bronco" while the rectal muscles and kagel muscles that grasp the penis, contract, relax, contract, and relax. This is said to make rectal or anal intercourse during such a seizure a unique experience.

As a way of inducing sexual pleasure with a living person fast acting insulin (novalog) may be injected, and the person revived with a glucose enema and glucose gell on the inside of the mouth.

These seizures may or may not take place during strangulation. They often take place during garrotting with a woman's stocking used as a garotte with a windless, tightening to unconscious and repeating, each time killing more brain cells.

I posted that comment next to an image of tongs pulling a women's lips appart. In the photo these are bolt-cutters, used to cut cartilidge.

The petticae are hemmorhages caused by high venous preload, the primary cause of death in ligature asphyxia. This is due to compression of the left and right carotids.
A great collection