Cancer of the throat

Oh no meatpie. Its sad to hear that but you dont know certainly if that disease is cancer ( I hope not ) My aunt had cancer five years ago but she overcome it and is healthy now. My best wishes for you meatpie friend. :sm (57)::sm (35):
Thank you for your kind words.

I couldn't sleep all night and I don't want to eat anything.
Sorry to hear you're sick Meatpie. I hope it's something else and not cancer. I'm sure there are many things it could be other than cancer. I once thought I had oral cancer because I got a sort of dark spot on my lip and I have a bad habit of biting my lips and cheeks, which I read can cause oral cancer. It went away and was nothing. Oral cancer would be horrible, they cut off parts of your face! I'm trying to control my bad habit ever since.
I know someone who thought she had cancer, it was precancerous polyps in her esophagus. The doctor removed them and she's fine but has to be checked every year just to make sure they don't come back or become cancerous.
I wish you the best of health and please don't become discouraged.:)
Thanks all, I am just back from the doc.

It was a young woman. First thing she said when I came in was, "you are very cute".


Its not cancer but nasty severe laryngitis. Another week on antibiotics.

You feel a lump and feel like you are suffocating and going to puke when you cough. I was convinced it was cancer, its real nasty feeling.

Terrible, I've never had this before, even as a kid.

I explicitly asked her if it is cancer and she said NO.

Thank you God, I will die but not yet.

Hope its car wreck or in my sleep.

Dying is so hard if you think about it, all those nasty diseases and surgeries. I hope none of the forum members go through anything like this.

Apologies for posting all these shit but yesterday I was really down. Thank you for all your support I will go for a check-up next week hope I feel better for now.
That is what friends are for Pieman!!!
Thanks all, I am just back from the doc.

It was a young woman. First thing she said when I came in was, "you are very cute".


Its not cancer but nasty severe laryngitis. Another week on antibiotics.

You feel a lump and feel like you are suffocating and going to puke when you cough. I was convinced it was cancer, its real nasty feeling.

Terrible, I've never had this before, even as a kid.

I explicitly asked her if it is cancer and she said NO.

Thank you God, I will die but not yet.

Hope its car wreck or in my sleep.

Dying is so hard if you think about it, all those nasty diseases and surgeries. I hope none of the forum members go through anything like this.

Apologies for posting all these shit but yesterday I was really down. Thank you for all your support I will go for a check-up next week hope I feel better for now.

you prolly been sucking too much cock. lol. glad yer ok.
My Father died of throat cancer. they operated and he was fine for ten more more years. then it came back because it came back due to the fact that tat he kept smoking. They had him so sedated at the end that he wasn't aware of what was going on. he died with a smile on his face so i imagine his last thoughts were pleasant. I was there holding his hand, he sure sounded like he was enjoying himself! He was saying :ahh, that's it, that's it.." and then he died.
Please don't give up Meatpie! WE need you here! Hang tough and you will be ok! :sm (45):
:sm (63):So gald to hear that, Meat. I was worried. Feel better, OK?!
Thanks all, I am just back from the doc.

It was a young woman. First thing she said when I came in was, "you are very cute".


Its not cancer but nasty severe laryngitis. Another week on antibiotics.

You feel a lump and feel like you are suffocating and going to puke when you cough. I was convinced it was cancer, its real nasty feeling.

Terrible, I've never had this before, even as a kid.

I explicitly asked her if it is cancer and she said NO.

Thank you God, I will die but not yet.

Hope its car wreck or in my sleep.

Dying is so hard if you think about it, all those nasty diseases and surgeries. I hope none of the forum members go through anything like this.

Apologies for posting all these shit but yesterday I was really down. Thank you for all your support I will go for a check-up next week hope I feel better for now.
Good to hear it's not cancer but I hope the laryngitis goes away soon. It sounds really uncomfortable. I've had it before too and it's a real pain.
Get better soon.
Thank god Meatpie! I was worried as hell! You may not be able to swallow for a while but you'll be ok soon!
LTmyselfni I am really sorry about your dad. :(

I would like to be sedated too when my croak is near.
Very good news hearing you are not facing any serious medical problems.

Pieman, "goggle" lump in the throat...there are all kinds of reasons for it. Dry throat, allergies, stomach upsets...but a lot of times, it is nerves, anxiety and worry that can constrict the muscles around the neck and cause a sensation of tightness.

Often, MD's here will give out a benzodiazepine such as Xanax or Klonipin to make the patient more relaxed, ergo, easier to swallow and no lump in the throat. These Rx's though can be addicting, as they are mild sedatives and psychotropic medications, so MD's try to limit the length of time a patient remains on such Rx.

But if all else fails, you may ask your MD if she thinks this may have an anxiety basis and what kind of benzodiazepene Rx may be of help.

Often, just yawning, strecthing, walking, medidation, physical activity like jogging can help relief stress and such sensations as lumps in the throat and hard to swallow.

These complaints are very common, so you are not alone in them.

It is always imperative, however, if the sensation worsens or does not improve with conservative measures to seek a second medical opinion.
Thanks Arrow man! Always glad to hear your expert opinion.

Disease sucks, I want to be killed in battle.
Glad to hear you are ok. Laryngitis does indeed suck. I was doing a musical once when I got a minor case of it. Had to use a humidifier and a lot of honey.
We'd be lost without ya, glad your back.
Any disease suck, our deaths will be horrific. Not easy to die, not easy at all. Its painful, sometimes slow process. Now I understand why so many people prefer trains or other fast methods.

We can't escape it. Its just postponed for now.
Ok sore throat is back.

More docs, more tests.

Maybe its cancer after all...

I won't be able to take it and will kill myself with pills.

There is a drug I am allerfgic to.

I take it, puke and die.

I can't take life full of disease and surgery. I am horrified by death and the idea how we will all die either from ilness, murder or injury.
meatpie, start living my beautiful friend. don't be scared.
I am scared shitless man, I am all worked up. I just posted a thread about it.

I so wish I could have a friend like you to comfort me and hold my hand.

Life here is like in the "sex and the city" - plenty of cute guys to fuck with, plenty of booze and drugs but no love, no compassion.

I can't find comfort in anything, just in this forum.

Most people care about themselves and even if you are dying they will stand over and watch.

Also doctors here are pretty ruthless. I tried to talk to her about my problem but she said "goodbye".

How about that?

Nasty bad world. I hate this planet.