Here is a sample collection respresenting a range of Post Mortem Erections. Now there is always!! a debate in such threads about whether a guys dick really IS erect. In my humble opinion all these guys are erect or 'getting there' ! Some purists say that only death erections caused by asphyxiation or an autoerotic response is 'True' angel lust' - but here is a sample of death erections from a whole range of causes - heat; asphyxiation(hanging and autoerotic hanging) murerous asphyxiation, decompostion erections, drownings etc.
Now I think I have seen most of these here already, but one of our new members expressed an interest in Post Mortem Erections when he introduced himself. So here they are - feel free to add any comments/ agree/ disagree/ or post your own interesting examples - but do enjoy!


Really in love with the third, black and white picture. I saw you have already posted some info previously on this picture, but, I am just dying to get more! Where did you find this picture? What other information do you have, if any?