
Staff member
Oct 7, 2008

A man shits on a NYPD patrol car in downtown Manhattan.



Zuccotti Park has turned into a rubbish dump.



Cute young white boy protester in NYC that would look awesome dead.


And your leaders, Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has once again slammed the growing Occupy Wall Street movement, dubbing protesters 'jealous’ Americans' who 'play the victim card' and want to 'take somebody else’s' Cadillac.
NYC rawks, it's one of the craziest most vibrant cities in the World. :drunk friend:
I've been going there to check it out. It's kind of exciting like a big party although on the northern part of the park the smell is like an open sewer. That must be their toilet. I want to go back and snap some pictures and check out the art.
I think this political cartoon sums up all those protesters very well.

Actually they all look like a bunch of bums to me. I don't want to rule them out though, I think they have a legitimate cause. I want to see if they'll let me take a picture holding up one of their signs.
Good luck verlup, that would be awesome if you can do it.
Here are just two of the pics I got tonight, I found this young guy totally asleep. The flash didn't wake him so I took a second closer up.
:kewl pics:

Wow, awesome pics verlup, you rawk man!

Sleeping dude has amazing socks and sneakers, I bet they give off a nice odour!


More pics please!
If these people think that by using a police car as a toilet they are going to effect change, they are sadly mistaken. These kinds of actions do little to legitimize their cause and case. While they may not agree with whatever some of the people in the financial arena have done, there must still be respect held for authority or else anarchy will ensue. This is America and people have the right to free assembly, but there are also rules, regulations and laws by and within which they must operate and participate. If you want to be a member of this society and enjoy the rights and freedoms allowed to its constituency, then you have to abide by the societal rules and laws in place. Disagreement does not mean that you can create your own rules. There is the right way to make one’s voice and opinion heard and then there is the wrong way and by the looks of some of these images, they are straddling the line.
That was just one or two cases, they are all mostly well behaved. They go use the restrooms at the fast food restaurants and they have their own clean up crews.
That is all it takes. The actions of the few ruin it for the many. There are better ways to get one's point across, but he did manage to get himself noticed and spread across the media; so he probably got what he wanted out of it.
Day of global action planned for Dec 15

This reminds me of the anti Vietnam War protests of the 60's and 70's. Although just a kid then I remember looking at the chaos on television. If the American politicians would actually listen to the voters on many issues, scenes like this would not be necessary. But these Congressional rulers think they only have to listen to those who make big campaign contributions and to hell with everyone else. While this is true for both parties it is especially true of the GOP. But in the end Americans are to blame because too many of us keep sending these idiots back to power. Remember the French Revolution.