I'd be tempted, and I would probably be extreme. Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust!
(p.s.: I've had a bout with Cancer and so far have won, so I'd probably fight it to the end)
Hmmm..Interesting..and not an easy one to answer. I would say fight the damn thing to the bitter end - and do everything you can to win. Inoperable does not necessarily mean untreatable. Would chemo or radiotherapy be an option? - even if surgery wasn't. Questions I would ask include - What other treatments might cure it or slow it down - what impact would these have?? How aggressive is it? Do I have 10 good years ahead or just a few months? I would want to give it a run for its money. If it was no longer treatable and progressing - I think it would all depend then on the effect it was having on me and on people around me. Because the brain is the seat of our thinking, personality and emotions and controls bodily functions - if I began to feel the impact of the disease was too high, I might eventually decide the time had come to close the office and go home. But jumping off the bridge would be a very very last option - if that - It would all depend. :dunno:
I think it would depend on the condition. If the tumor will only cause aphasia or some other condition that can be managed with therapy or that does not cause extreme pain, then I would probably want to live through it.

However, there are scenarios where I would beg to die. There is one condition caused locked in syndrome where the patient is unable to move his body at all, but his metal abilities are intact, so the person is literally a prisioner in his/her own body. In that case I would deffinatelly want to die. Rotting away unable to do anything for myself would be by far a fate worse than death. I know that many people think Hell awais those who commit suicide. In a situation like this one, I would gladly take my chances.

I think there are things that hold greater sanctity than life itself. Free will and dignity are some of these things. Living with an extremely debilitating condition would be, for me, beyond my abilities to cope. This is the jind of thing that I couldnt care less if people think I am a pussy for not wanting to bear the condition. It is my life and, if I am not mentally impaired, I should have the right to end it in my own terms.
For me, at my age, with no family[ I would most certainly check out saving Medicare the expense, taking up bed space and occuping doctors who have far younger and more important things to do then look after an old man. I would find a handsome sadist who would take me out in a blaze of glory who I would justly reward for his efforts.
And I mean every word.
not unless the pain got too great and drugs weren't helping and every option for a cure had been explored
No it is against my religion - I might volunteer for a suicidal mission, death in battle is preferable to a slow death from cancer and it could save a comrade who didn't need to die.
At the latest stage and if there was no more hope and I'd still be able to: I'd drive a dagger through my heart myself.
If there were absolutely no hope, verified with multiple sources, then yes. A long knife deep in my abs to slice the aorta a few times should do the trick.
Hmm, if it was purely an issue of "I'm sick and don't want to suffer through it" I would have to say...no I wouldn't. It would suck and be a terrible thing to live through but I believe in never giving up hope. The only way one should ever 'give up' is if they want to, not because they feel forced or like there is no other option.
To be very honest I have thought about if I would ever meet up with someone to do something 'for real' and if I could go through with it. I found it could only be under extreme circumstances such as severe illness/terminal and for some reason not having any relationship ties at all since I care about so much and so many people...and even then it is just a fleeting thought about the idea. No I think I could never really under any circumstances do that (escape,depression nor 'play'), there is just way too much to do and experience in this world I don't want to go out until it is my time (decided by fate?).
Personally because I would have nothing to loose, I would look for men to snuff for real, in gay sauna, gay cruising area or internet dating. Fuck now I can't wait to have an inoperable brain tumor.
Personally because I would have nothing to loose, I would look for men to snuff for real, in gay sauna, gay cruising area or internet dating. Fuck now I can't wait to have an inoperable brain tumor.

is it so bad that I feel the same way.. No having to live a life in prison.. Your deepest darkest fantasies can be a reality and as a non believer of religion there is no heaven or hell in my belief anyway.. So nothing to lose.. I would like to know a what a Muscular human being tastes like. I'd like to pull their hearts out their chests.
Inoperable, progressive, brain cancer is indeed one of the scenarios where I would kill myself-- and there are some types where I would do it quickly, such as Glioblastoma Multiforme. GBM has taken three people I know, and it is an ugly, ugly death. By the end, the victim's mind is GONE. If I ever get GBM, I'm definitely leaving before the end stage.

OTOH, about five years ago, a friend of mine got what killed my dad, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and the doctors at Beth-Israel replaced her immune system with one cloned from a compatible donor, and she is alive and well today. Back in 1993, it only took 4 months for that disease to kill my dad. The chemo then available (Cytoxan) also robbed him of his mind for the last two months of his life. It was no way to die; and his last month alive in the hospital cost over $100,000 for what?

To give an idea what Cytoxan is like, there were warning signs on the walls of the infusion room where my dad got his chemo saying that if a bag were dropped so that Cytoxan were spilled, a Hazmat team in full protective gear would be scrambled to deal with the situation. Nasty, nasty shit.
I would not kill myself, what I would do is make ALL of my foot fantasies a reality, and I do mean ALL OF THEM!