Although there may be some cases of people having erections from pooling, death erections can happen even when the victim is laying on their back. It is also why guys play strangulation games because the body's response is to have one final orgasm when death seems imminent.//
Please, Snerdguy, can you cite any proof of this besides your belief? Medical literature, perhaps? The body's natural response IS to kick into survival mode, but it is not to have that last glorious emission. It is to keep oxygenated blood going to the brain at all costs. It doesn't reroute blood to the penis to spread DNA in one last ditch effort, that's absurd - and not at all medically sound or even provable. The reason men are able to have an erection and keep it during strangulation games, is just that- they are games. The person's body being choked does NOT go into survival mode because the person's brain knows there is no real danger. Our conscious minds are incredible, they even have the power to override the panic response that people in real danger of losing life have. Which is why in deaths related to auto-asphyxia there usually is an erection - no or little real fear, a slip into unconsciousness, and then pile on pressure to the brain and spinal cord, and voila - woody to die for. (excuse the pun) And no there are not SOME cases of death erections from pooling, MOST of the cases seen are from pooling. (Either that or traumatic brain injury. Since more people die of none trauma-related causes, it stands to reason what I just said.) Also, yes, some death erections are seen on supine victims, but due to brain injury - not the brain's carnal desire for a woman to walk by and throw her twat at it! Jeez.
The basil ganglia senses that the oxygen level to the brain is dropping and kicks into survival mode. It shuts down most of the brain and attempts to conserve the remaining oxygen while it gets the orgasm going. Its a common reflex in animals. //
OK, now I KNOW you don't really know what you are talking about, sorry to say. The basal ganglia has NOTHING to do with the respiratory control center. Regulation of O2 and CO2 and involuntary breathing are regulated in the pons and medulla, commonly known as the brain stem. The basal ganglia, located in the forebrain, is not one area as you make it sound, it is made up of several distinct structures that work closely with the cerebellum, and as far as neuroscience is aware of at present it is mostly responsible for motor control, particularly eye; motivation, and processing info from the cerebellum. And as for shutting down the brain to help get the funk on, nope. In fact, it is one of the first parts of the brain to die from low O2 levels. The more you know....
But, if the shock from the trauma were severe enough, it could cause a death erection with ejaculation.//
Yep - you are right on the money there, but you should have ended with possible ejaculation. Nothing's definite.
Its OK to believe what you like. I spent 12 years teaching First Aid and CPR for the professional rescuer to a lot of prospective RNs. It is mandatory in this state for certification.//
It is mandatory EVERYWHERE in the US. Not to toot my own horn, but I am not just an RN in the ER, I have been a flight nurse with SAR, worked for 3 years on a neurological floor, and still maintain my Nurse Practitioner cert. I live for this stuff daily. I don't believe what I like, I believe what is factual, provable, and researched. I can't, as a medical professional, make stuff up to suit my fantasies.