Wow…thanks Manuel…bit chubby, but I’d still take it home!
The blood has settled into his legs - was it accidental autoeroticism?
Impressive! How do u get these & are there more available? Any more backstory for these two pics?
But for the grace of God... Had that happened to me and it certainly could have, I wonder if I would have had time to realize I fucked up. If so, my thoughts would have been, "no! not like this. I wasn't ready." If at any point I were to die by the noose, I would have wanted the thrill of really swinging by my neck. I'd feel cheated by dying without being properly hanged.
Yes, swinging would allow more chance for rear views and some impressive struggle shots. Still,gotta love it.
I mean , at a glance, the chair made me think it staged. Closer examination showed splotching/red patches from pooling blood in lower body, plus the beginings of a bm showed it to be quite real? The closeness to the floor makes me wonder how much time it took. It seems he'd have had chance to change his mind.