Dead and naked bathed on morgue table.

Young woman killed in car crash.

Postmortem Delivery in a Pregnant Fire Victim

A 23-year-old woman traveling in the front passenger seat of a car was killed in a traffic accident involving two rear-end collisions. After the second rear-end
collision, the car caught fire. While the driver could be rescued, the pregnant passenger remained inside the car.

After the fire had been extinguished, a charred body was found in a pugilistic attitude with an exposed abdominal cavity and a ruptured anterior wall of the gravid uterus.

Between the woman’s legs, an almost unburned fetus was found with body measurements corresponding to a gestational age of 28 weeks. The placenta had remained inside the uterine cavity and was still connected with the fetus via the umbilical cord. In conclusion, the rupture of the pregnant uterus with expulsion of the fetus had to be considered a secondary event due to the initial heating and subsequent shrinking of the uterine wall the so-called postmortem delivery.
Young woman with interesting tats in morgue. Enjoy our unique collections both in Secret Room and necro club in superb quality.

All of our sets are without watermarks.

Reposts sites and repost whores here is some fresh stuff for you to take and repost on your sad little sites begging for ad clicks! :I am king:

Interesting thanks. Two more.

The nude body of the 22-year-old victim was discovered on the bed in her ground-floor apartment in Texas. She had been raped and anally sodomized.

Torso of chopped up woman on morgue table.

Lust murder by serial killer who drank blood of his victims.

A young woman discovered the bodies of her mother and sister. She had become concerned when she couldn’t get an answer from their telephone. She decided to go to her mother’s residence to check on them. She discovered her mother and her sister dead in the home. Both victims had been murdered and sexually mutilated. Her screams alerted neighbors who called the police. Killer stuck a baseball bat into the daughter's vagina.

This is a classic case of an organized offender who is a lust murderer and a serial killer. These were his second and third murders. His first victim was the 10-year-old daughter of his live-in girlfriend. He had eviscerated her body and engaged in necrophilia in his postoffense phase.

Although he was a suspect, the authorities did not have sufficient evidence to charge him and he left the jurisdiction. In the above case, we see an offender who had preplanned the event, stalked his victims, brought his own weapon, and left very little evidence at the scene. He had stalked the family over a period of two months in an attempt to gain access to the daughter. He already had decided to kill the mother first and then “enjoy” himself with the girl.

Lust murderers who torture their victims before killing them and then recall an afterimage engram of the sensation produced by their activities are an example of this dynamic.
The pathological sadist can only receive sexual gratification if mutilation is performed on the victim.

Although fantasy and ritual were extremely important to him, he remained in complete control and was fully aware of his actions and his need to avoid detection.
Another lust murder case. The offender had severed the victim’s breasts from her chest. He placed one breast across her face.

Serial killing. This female victim was sadistically tortured and killed by the offender. Note that the body is partially clothed, but has been arranged so as to expose the
breasts and vagina. This homicide was the first in a series of killings by a sadistic sexual psychopath.

Lust murder. The victim had been eviscerated and her hands were tied over her head with duct tape to the bed board.

Another rather unique post taken from our collections and reposted with fake madeup info claiming the girl masturbated as she died. :facepalm:

Another rather unique post taken from our collections and reposted with fake madeup info claiming the girl masturbated as she died. :facepalm:

Autoeroticism is actually form of masturbation. Fuck repost sites but you don't have to cry at every post, these sites will NEVER reach the quality of CDG. Original is still only one. Porsche is also not crying that the Chinese are copying its design. Everyone knows that a Porsche is a Porsche.
Hi. The way I see it masturbation and autoeroticism are not synonymous. Masturbation invlolves only the physical stimulation of the genitals by oneself, while autoeroticism encompasses all stimulation by oneself physical touching and sexual thoughts, as well as involuntary experiences including wet dreams or spontaneous sexual arousal.

The repost site claims the girl masturbated as she died while there is absolutely no evidence of that from the forensic source I took the pics from.

This particular site is just another nest spreading fake stories and misinformation online as countless others have done over the years and continue to do so degrading the overall quality of gore and forensic material online.

People start to believe such stories and repost them as original while they are not.

Otherwise thank you for your kind words of support. :circle jerk:
BTW it seems we are also a major forum for the retards over at GG. :facepalm:
