Another routine day at work at a medical examiner's morgue.

The teen cutie-pie came in, nude, wrists bound behind her back with plastic ties, with a garotte tightened around her pretty neck.

Twenty-four hours earlier she had been a homeless drug addict offering use of her body at three A.M to motorists on a rainy deserted street known for prostitution.

Her killer was going to enjoy her immensely, causing her pain and putting her in agony in his soundproof basement.

He made her drink vodka and orange juice at gunpoint, because he enjoyed his sluts to be drunk and loopy.

He savored her shivers of fear and agony as he shocked her again and again with a 20,000 volt cattle prod.

He raped her again and again vaginally and anally, concluding the experience by ejaculating inside her during her death throes as her cunt muscles violently contracted and relaxed, shoot his load deeply inside her ar the moment of lifelessness, her soul at that instant becoming one with his own.

Now the slut was just a decomposing carcass, to be used as a fuck-toy for the next two days.

She was only one of his dozens of kills.

A nowhere girl who would not be missed and whose disappeared would mean nothing to civilization.

Sluts hung by their necks.

An erotic method of ending the life of a female.

A lifeless slut awaits your pleasure...

Decomposed girl for those of you who like.

Chopped woman.

Autopsy procedure on a drowned woman. Video in our Secret Room. Something fresh for the boring repost sites to steal and share. :tognue2:

Autopsy on a woman suffering from chronic constipation and fecal impaction.

In the free abdominal cavity there were 2.5 l of mushy, brownish stool. The large intestine loops were heavily filled with feces, especially the descending colon and the sigmoid colon. The diameter was up to 16 cm.

At the junction of the descending colon and the sigmoid colon there was a subserosal perforation of the intestine measuring 6 cm in length with blood. At this point, a lot of brownish, mushy intestinal contents had emptied into the abdominal cavity.

Two further localized intestinal wall necroses were found in the descending colon. The intestinal wall was thinned and covered with fibrin. Another finding was a fecal stone in the rectum (measuring 16 x 14 x 11 cm in total), which was soft in the outer parts but very firm in the center and could hardly be cut through with a knife. This almost completely blocked the rectum (mechanical ileus).

There was still mushy stool beneath the fecal stone. The following additional findings were recorded during the autopsy: a hemorrhagic pulmonary edema, a brain edema, a dilated bladder and an enlarged renal pelvis in the sense of incipient hydronephrosis. Chemical-toxicological tests and post-mortem electrolyte determinations were not carried out. The cause of death was peritonitis due to colon perforation.
Super rare female autoerotic fatality.

This victim initially reported as a suicide was actually an autoerotic fatality. She had been standing on a plastic bucket, which slipped out from under her feet. She was found hanging from an electrical wire, which had been fastened into a noose.


Another hanging autoerotic.

The victim was a 34-year-old white female, who lived alone in an apartment on the north side of the city. She was a schoolteacher, single, heterosexual, and in good physical and mental health at the time of her death. On Saturday she had spent the day with her parents, who were house hunting. She had dinner that evening with them and agreed to meet them the next day to continue house hunting.
Her father told her he would call her for church the next day. Usually she went to church with them. However, she told her father to call her afer church. On Sunday morning afer church her father called her but she did not answer. Knowing this to be strange he drove over to her apartment to check on her well-being. He entered the locked apartment with a key she had given to him for emergencies. He called out her name, and when she didn’t answer began to search the apartment. He opened the closed bathroom door and found her. She was hanging from the back of the door with a belt. She was nude with her breasts bound with rope very tightly and was hanging by her neck from a belt. Te belt had been secured to a hook in the back of her bathroom door. Te distraught man backed out of the apartment, locked the door and called the police.

Initially the death appeared to be sex-related homicide. Tere wasn’t any forced entry, the apartment had been locked, and there were no signs of any struggle. Te next suggestion was that the death was a possible suicide. However, that was quickly ruled out based on her victimology. Closer examination revealed the death to be accidental, involving autoerotic activities.

Te rope used was nautical rope. Additional nautical rope was found in her closet. Te belt came from a dress she owned and hadn’t worn in some time. Directly across from the victim was a full-length mirror in which she could view herself from the door. Te death was properly classifed as accidental. Many of the considerations as outlined in this chapter were present in this particular case. Tis provided the authorities a basis upon which to make a determination of accidental death involving sexual asphyxia
Dead girl examined naked on morgue table.
