Prostitute mutilated with breasts and genitalia removed as trophies.

A pleasant start to a boring week in the morgue. A dirty-blond cutie-pie to process. Not the prettiest, but a hottie nonetheless. Before she is washed and scrubbed you will make a point to smell her hair, her armpits, her ass-crack, and her genitalia (or cunt). And explore the crevices in her carcass with your tongue. All the "special" places. You imagine making love to her when she had been alive. Perhaps securing her wrists behind her back and raping and sodomizing her, listening to her muffled protests while gagged. Being inside her at the moment of her death. Ejaculating during her death throes at the moment of lifelessness.

Now she is nothing but a fuck-toy in a morgue, soon to be gutted and eviscerated like livestock. In a few minutes her scalp will be reflected, her skull sawed open and you will have the opportunity to hold her brain before it is weighed and sectioned. Handle her womb, ovaries, and mushroom shaped cervix.

wow, okay, I know the first two, they've been floating around the internet for a long time now I assume, it's supprising the see the rest of them.
if I may ask, how did you find them?
Thanks, good one.
19-year-old girl was found murdered in Brazil.

Murdered young woman in Brazil with eyes gouged out.

Unidentified young girl from Brazil was found shot dead in akward position.

Double executions on the sofa and in bed.

Beautiful girl had her throat slit in Brazil.

17-year-old girl murdered in Brazil.

Young woman ripped by a bomb in a Brazilian street.

Our beautiful summer morgue feast continues both in SR and DE all new collections, all fresh sets in ultra high resolution with full autopsies shown. Send me a message if you would like to join our exclusive clubs. :giggle:

Young couple were gunned down in Colima on Sunday.
