Nude body of 25 year old female victim of serial killer dug up from a shallow grave in Brazil.

Maryland, USA. The unusual position of the body at this scene resulted from the deceased experiencing a heart attack after stepping from her bathtub. No further info.

A pleasant start to a boring week in the morgue. A dirty-blond cutie-pie to process. Not the prettiest, but a hottie nonetheless. Before she is washed and scrubbed you will make a point to smell her hair, her armpits, her ass-crack, and her genitalia (or cunt). And explore the crevices in her carcass with your tongue. All the "special" places. You imagine making love to her when she had been alive. Perhaps securing her wrists behind her back and raping and sodomizing her, listening to her muffled protests while gagged. Being inside her at the moment of her death. Ejaculating during her death throes at the moment of lifelessness.

Now she is nothing but a fuck-toy in a morgue, soon to be gutted and eviscerated like livestock. In a few minutes her scalp will be reflected, her skull sawed open and you will have the opportunity to hold her brain before it is weighed and sectioned. Handle her womb, ovaries, and mushroom shaped cervix.

Autopsy on woman stabbed multiple times.

Morgue in China.

Enjoy full autopsy sets of freshly dead girls on morgue table that no other boring repost site has in our hidden clubs and groups. Our network of sources spans all continents.

More autopsy previews from our Secret Room in super high quality.

A pleasant start to a boring week in the morgue. A dirty-blond cutie-pie to process. Not the prettiest, but a hottie nonetheless. Before she is washed and scrubbed you will make a point to smell her hair, her armpits, her ass-crack, and her genitalia (or cunt). And explore the crevices in her carcass with your tongue. All the "special" places. You imagine making love to her when she had been alive. Perhaps securing her wrists behind her back and raping and sodomizing her, listening to her muffled protests while gagged. Being inside her at the moment of her death. Ejaculating during her death throes at the moment of lifelessness.

Now she is nothing but a fuck-toy in a morgue, soon to be gutted and eviscerated like livestock. In a few minutes her scalp will be reflected, her skull sawed open and you will have the opportunity to hold her brain before it is weighed and sectioned. Handle her womb, ovaries, and mushroom shaped cervix.

I would love to play with that body......I wonder how she died.....hopefully, killed by someone......wonder why he/she wanted her dead.....would love to watch them kill her.....
China autopsy.
