I would volunteer for this. As long as I lived long enough to enjoy it.. maybe be jacked off while my heart was stroked then when I came pull it out of me
I've cut some clips from movies over the years that have heart related content. Here's one of my favorites.

I love male hearts, like to rip out the organ alive in aztec style or stabbing, lay my fingers arround the wild pounding muscle and some other painful things too, like to roast and eat fresh warm hearts. ..
It's the muscle of life. It's essential to all function. And I enjoy listening to it. To me, it's not the prettiest thing in/on a body, but it's the center of life. It just seems like something so powerful. So to control it is an ultimate high. And to manipulate it's function would be so satisfying. I'm not necessarily interested in causing death to the heart, but I'd love to use it as a form of torture. Making it beat as fast a humanly possible for an extended period of time. Forcing skipped beats. Making it slow until the victim loses consciousness. Heart manipulation with sex acts (not having sex "with" a heart, but doing things to a victim to affect his heart). And towards the end, stabbing the heart in ways to ensure the victim can stay alive for just a little bit longer....

Am I sick?
Yes, i love to stab in the wild pulsating heart and listen the sound of muscle in agony too, like also to remove the pounding heart in aztec-style
come up to mass.and you can do that to me
I've wondered what it might feel like to fuck a beating heart. A hole intentionally made smaller than the diameter of a hard cock would allow the heart to be fucked as it wildly squeezed the invading penis. It would be necessary to remove the ribs from the front of the chest to gain the necessary access. We have seen from other postings here that the victim can survive this at least briefly. A little mouth to mouth breathing would prolong the life of the victim..
it would also be nice to be the victim of an executioner who opens your chest and while you are alive, he takes your heart in his hands and hears him beat ..
Cardiophile here: I want to stop a heart (someone elses or my own). Wickr: cardiocub
I was diagnosed with a heart murmur in grade school and, although it turned out to be an innocent murmur, I occasionally think about what it would be like to have to have surgery to repair the mitral valve in my heart. I imagine being in the operating room and surrounded by the equipment that would soon be the only thing keeping me alive. I imagine my surgeon making an incision in the left atrium of my heart in order to access and repair the faulty valve. Finally, I imagine him placing the pads of an internal defibrillator on my heart and shocking it in order to help it return to a sinus rhythm. Is there anyone on here that has some Dr. Giggles in them and thinks that they can repair my faulty mitral valve?