My pyck was other, but only because equally love all aspects of a foot. Love them dyrty, sweaty, unwashed, large, wyde and bare. Socks are a byt of a turn off, but only because they mask the naked beauty of a sole... and 'also prefer the smell of bare feet and leather as opposed to socks and sneakers; the smell's slyghtly dyfferent and a lot more erotyc.
Am not sure whether 'prefer young guys over old guys feet, as 'fynd them both hot for dyfferent reasons. Old men have the wrynkles and wyder soles whych are excellent for tramplyng and CBT; young men tend to have smellyer, more slender, boney feet wyth hygher arches, whych look better for foot-play.
The foot'n that pyc's askyng for a sweaty toe-fuck