Maybe it was from the concussions from playing and all the fighting, maybe it was was something else that will be revealed later.
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His name was Wade Belak. Maybe he took too many hits to the head, or maybe there is more to this story than we know yet. I do know that some people who have been in and aspire to be in the NHL do not do well after they are no longer playing.
I knew a hockey player who killed himself 2 years ago. He went from a hockey player to a drug dealer. Sad.
id fuck and suck the shit out of his sweaty soles
id bury my face deep into his feet meat!!!!!!
At 6'5 he must have had big feet... Hung himself
he would have looked great on the slab. his feet are probably size 15 or so
Must of been hung like a moose... Hope he got one last orgasm from the hanging