How old are you?
Welcome or not, our deaths are fast approaching.
You said no pain.... easier said than done.
Just try to hang yourself and you will realize that our bodies are made to survive and delay death for as long as possible, even starved of oxygen you can remain conscious for up to two minutes.
That instinct to survive is in our genes and it's possibly the strong most powerful overhwelming feeling a person can ever experience.
Drowning is also particularly nasy, some quickly pass out but others will remain conscious submerged and unable to breathe. I think that's horrbile, it's just pure torture.
Fire victims are also traumatized for life.
I watched a BBC documentary called "The Secret Life of Pain" - I highly recommend it.
They showed a young hot fit guy who was in a motorcycle accident, his whole body was badly burnt, from head to toe yet he somehow survived.
He nearly lost his mind from the pain and cried every time he had to move his foot or arm.
I am scared of the dying process and I hate the way our memory, our experience is deleted, so no I don't welcome my death but I am prepared for it every day, I just hope it's nothing too horrific.
We all hope for painless deaths, eh?
Imagine what it was like for those young dudes who had to jump from the World Trade Centre, I bet that all of them if they had to choose would not welcome such deaths.
Death remains one of the biggest mysteries in this world, it's always hot topic to debate, it's everywhere, it's in our future yet we know next to nothing about it.
When you die is your memory permanently erased from the universe?
Or does the universe save everything, every bit of information and we are just holograms?
Even the smartest scientists don't know the answer.