I've wondered if a dead body could be plastinated to look healthy or at least freshly departed. It seems like the technology is available to do it. But, I've never read about it being done with that intent. I think there could be a niche market for plastination services for the well to do who want more than just to be embalmed and to decompose after a few weeks. Those who just can't let go could keep their preserved loved ones at home indefinitely without the health risks.
Perhaps the plastinated loved ones could be interred into a special mausoleum with clear display cases. Its another situation where the laws need to be clarified to separate the need for sanitation from the intent to impose a particular moral perspective. Sometime in the future (probably distant) people might be able to display a plastinated body like a piece of artwork.
Considering the fixation people have with the dead, someone will probably figure out how to use the process to get rich.