Freshly dead on morgue table original image quality in our Death Eaters club is stunning over 6,000 pixels. :rocksss:

The idea of using an attractive dead slut for days will be thwarted by maggots. They can land and hatch within hours and develop into maggots within 12 hours. They are attracted to open wounds, the eyes, mouth, and vaginal surfaces. If a body must be left in
place at a scene a plastic bag is often put
over the head, and the vaginal area covered.
They don't bite, but develop into flies that do bite. Closing all windows and using insect spray and fly tape minimizes their presence.

Ukranian girl decapitated by shrapnel whilte sitting on a bench during Russian bombing on Kharkiv in late August 2024. Some reports suggest she was 14 and her father was also killed on the frontline.

This is the first one in a while that's actually made me feel sad:confused1:
26-year-old lawyer from Ecuador was driving her Kia when a puppy ran out in front of her vehicle. She swerved to avoid the puppy but ended up crashing into a tree and died at the scene.


You are welcome to share it's old stuff.
Raped and killed in China

A case from the early 2000s in Nanning, Guangxi. Three women who lived together was raped and murdered. When they didn't show up for work friends went to check on them and found the naked dead body of two of the women. A bag with the third woman was found in River Yong, a murder investigation began.

It took only 2 weeks to crack the case, the murderer was the neighbor living down the hall. He had become attracted to one of the woman, the one he would eventually dismember and when she rejected him he plotted to take her by force.

He studied the women's routines and planned his crime. He waited until two of the women left for work and tricked the remaining woman to allow him entry. He subdued her and tied and gagged her. He waited for the other women to return one by one and subdued them. He kept them alive for 3 days raping them, especially the one that rejected him. He finally killed them on the 3rd day dismembering the one that had rejected him.

He disposed her remains in River Yong which ran through Nanning. But was unable to continue disposal due to friends of the women checking up on the women and police involvement.

Case was cracked when the police found the bag with the human remains. The bag had the name of the high school where the murderer attended. After the police found out the murderer went to that high school and lived down the hall, wasn't hard to put two and two together. After being arrested he confessed to the crimes.
Would love to have felt the cooling bodies.......
Hello my friends. Big new beautiful complete autopsy sets of young women are available in our Death Eaters club in super quality and without censorship everything is shown in great detail.

Sets are a must-have in your collections. The dead dolls are cut up and bathed naked on morgue tables for your pleasure.

Don't waste your time on other lame sad boring sites that have nothing new and just wait for us to post something so that they can then steal and repost it join our necro club for the best female morgue collections on the internet. Our quality is amazing you can read the comments posted by hundreds of our fans here and elsewhere.

Determining the time of death in young dead girl by looking at livor mortis.

Young woman was found butchered in Brazil.

18-year-old girl was shot dead by her boyfriend in Brazil. She was three months pregnant.
