More previews from our necro club for fans of funeral home videos. :)

How could I access the necro club?
I invite those of you who adore dead girls and women in morgue to join our elite group and then the necro club for our newest beautiful photo and video dead girl morgue collections all new stuff for year 2023.

We are the only necro website with real morgue sources from around the world. No one has yet managed to reach our standards we have been providing our members with exclusive high quality morgue stuff for decades.

All the hottest dead girls you see on other websites were taken from here our collections are pure gold. :mates:

Send me a message and I will set you up with membership.:teddybear:

Is there a requiremnt for the membership?
More previews of our brand new and exclusive young morgue girls.

Served fresh and cold.

Everything is shown.

Is the photo in the Chamber of Secrets or in the Necromancer Club?

27-year-old Italian woman was found hanged on a pole next to Kampot canal in Cambodia.

JESSUS.. someone needs to say this .. will you two just fucking get over it and stop with the fucking name calling you are children

imagine how much better it would be for the community if you just got along and shared... you would both make sooooo much more money in a sharing business model than this ...whatever this is. consolidate your (lets face it) very small target demographics.. you fucker would make so much more if you could be a more one stop shop for the horror of it all <> Gore of it all...

come on... bygons be bygons... it's old news ... forgive!

If you are talking about me and Simone I would like to take this further with you and remind you that leaks of our female morgue sets led to the destruction of our sources and subsequent prolonged lack of fresh material.

These were all purchased with donations from our members and we didn't make any money or profit but DR did try to attract new members who will pay Simone for her "journalistic efforts."

Such stupid actions hurt both communities and currently there are no beautiful young dead girls in morgue on both sites.

Meanwhile I have confirmed the presence of HD morgue sets of young girls from Europe and also their full autopsy videos in HD.

Such material will only be reserved for future collections in our necro club.

If you have further questions let me know or reply here.
Young girl killed in motorcycle crash.


If you are talking about me and Simone I would like to take this further with you and remind you that leaks of our female morgue sets led to the destruction of our sources and subsequent prolonged lack of fresh material.

These were all purchased with donations from our members and we didn't make any money or profit but DR did try to attract new members who will pay Simone for her "journalistic efforts."

Such stupid actions hurt both communities and currently there are no beautiful young dead girls in morgue on both sites.

Meanwhile I have confirmed the presence of HD morgue sets of young girls from Europe and also their full autopsy videos in HD.

Such material will only be reserved for future collections in our necro club.

If you have further questions let me know or reply here.

Leaks hurt everyone.

Can we hope for some of those HD sets/videos anytime soon? :D
Curently work in progress with no final date set.

August goes out with a bang with what I personally consider one of the most beautiful dead girls of the year! :love1:

Fresh arrival and stark naked on moruge table for you exclusively in our necro group.