Maybe we can come up with a way to make pictures permanent so we can look at them all the time. Mr.meatpie, I will always support the CDG community
Thank you my friend.
Young girl with green socks was run over by a bus a couple of days ago in Moscow.


On the evening of November 11, 2021 a 25-year-old man stabbed his 20-year-old wife in bed and strangled his own 3-year-old daughter in Orenburg Oblast, Russia. Later on the same night police caught the monster wandering 15km from his home. He admitted to the horrific crime and told police he found out his wife was cheating on him and then he decided to strangle his own daughter because the child would have missed her mom if she remained alive.

Police officer outside the young
family house where the horrific family tragedy unfolded on November 11, 2021.

Aleksandr Kuznetsov, 25 now faces a life in prison.
Married couple were gunned down in the bleachers only a few yards from where their son was playing in a little league football game. The woman was 42 and was wearing a covid mask.

As she died she pissed her jeans.

Her husband was 46.

The shooter was picked up on CCTV fleeing the scene and apprehended the next day. She has been identified as a 14-year-old girl and the motive for the shooting has not been disclosed.

Road accident in the Dominican Republic.


Some of you may remember this very high profile murder staged as suicide in Cambodia back in 2018.

The decedent was a 36-year old political staffer for a national party in Cambodia. Police were called to the scene about 10:30 at night when her body was discovered hanging from a curtain rod in a resort bungalow she often stayed in. A note had been left saying that she was killing herself due to a failed romance. This series of crime scene photos were leaked to a local Facebook group the next morning (more on that below), which prompted several journalists as well as some of her family members to call for a more thorough investigation due to some peculiarities with the scene in the photos.

The story itself was extremely sordid and far more sinister than a depressed woman hanging herself over a breakup. After the photos were leaked, an investigation was launched that made an escalating series of startling discoveries. It came to light that the woman had been carrying on an affair, for several years, with the Provincial Governor. He was married, she was divorced. His wife's family was instrumental in securing him his political position, so the affair was carried on in secret.

For various reasons, he had tried to break it off with her several times recently. The first time, she responded by taking pills and trying to kill herself. His driver took her to the hospital under a false name and had her stomach pumped to save her life. The second time, she threatened suicide again so he capitulated. Most recently, he tried to break it off and she attempted a different strategy. She threatened him with exposure. Said she would publicize the affair and ruin him if he left her.

It was apparently the last straw for him, so he arranged a meeting with her 'to reconcile' later that evening at her bungalow where they often met for sex. When he showed up, though, he had his brother with him. His brother was also the head Commissioner of Police in the province. It has never been disclosed what led up to the events, whether he only intended ot threaten her or if he went with the exclusive purpose of killing her.

Whatever the case, an argument ensued and she wound up being pushed down on her bed in a supine position. Her paramour put his hands around her neck and started to strangle her, but quickly realized that it wasn't as easy to do as tv made it look. She struggled long enough that it was taking too much time, so halfway through her manual strangulation, the brother picked up a pillow and pressed it down on her face as the governor was throttling her neck with his hands. Between the two factors, she met a terrifying and grueling death by asphyxiation at the hands of her lover and his policeman brother.

Unfortunately for them, neither was very adept at staging a crime scene. They worked together to hang her body from the curtain rod, tucking her fingers into the noose to make it look more real (real suicidal hanging decedents are often found clutching at the noose). The boyfriend then planted one of the previous real suicide notes she had written at the scene. They then summoned the couple that owned and managed the resort and threatened them with arrest and asset forfeiture if they did not cooperate. They were to tell the investigating officers that she had no visitors that night and that they found her hanging when they stopped by to drop off some towels.

The brother tried to bury some evidence and skew the investigation, but one of the officers that was called had a suspicious feeling about the scene and the Commissioner's interest in it. So he made copies of evidence that the commissioner later tried to doctor and he anonymously leaked the crime scene photos to a social media account to draw attention to the scene without putting himself at direct risk.

The truth was made known as evidence piled up and the resort managers came forward with their tale of coercion as well.

Both the Governor and his brother were convicted of murder.

According to the court documents, the physical evidence that was noted to be inconsistent with suicidal hanging was as follows:
  1. Her hyoid bone was broken. This is extremely common in manual strangulations but less so in hangings. Very rare in hangings.
  2. Multiple tests indicated that the curtain rod could not sustain her weight when accompanied by movement, such as the movement generated in the throes of strangulation on the noose. A body of her size could only hang smoothly on the rod if multiple people worked to place it there and did not move it.
  3. The fingermarks on her throat did not match the placement or size or directionality of her fingers that were tucked into the noose. Further, her own fingers did not have abrasions and chafing, which would be expected if she were grabbing at the noose while hanging.
  4. The examination of her body and clothing revealed that she had urinated and defecated in her pants while suffering the agonies of strangulation and suffocation. Her bladder was particularly full at the time and the forensic team noted that she was soaked with urine all along her backside and halfway up the back of her shirt. There was almost no urine on the front of her yoga pants, however, which would have been expected if she lost sphincter control while in a vertical hanging position. Further, there was no waste on the floor beneath her body. There was, however, a sizeable urine stain on the top comforter of the bed, as well as traces of mucus and saliva on the pillow. The investigators determined from these facts that she was strangled on the bed and hanged on the wall after the fact to make it appear as a suicide.
Apparently the hotel couple had been told to clean up the room as the brothers fled, but it was a grave oversight for them to entrust the work to the two bullied managers. They did a poor job of concealing the evidence and it was very incriminating.
Young girl in China murdered by boyfriend who found out she was cheating on him with her boss.

Elderly woman dropped dead while drinking coffee.

Hanging suicide of 29-year-old woman in Indonesia.

Model girl hanging suicide.
