when I masturbate... im thinking about being a cannibal victim. I was tied up and spreadeagled naked.. tortured first by a sadistic cannibals.. then they will spitroast me over a low fire.. i can see how eager they are and cant wait to taste my flesh.. ahhhh! just thinking about makes me cum hard!!!
One of my points in the NecroErotic Mission was the legalization of cannibalism via using the corpses of people who died in accidents as well as suicides. There are an estimated 35,000
people who die from suicide every year in the U.S. alone and another 40,000 that die from accidents. Since the overwhelming majority of folks are repulsed at the idea of eating human flesh, those 75,000 bodies would probably allow for enough meat to go around for those who would wish to try it.
One of my points in the NecroErotic Mission was the legalization of cannibalism via using the corpses of people who died in accidents as well as suicides. There are an estimated 35,000
people who die from suicide every year in the U.S. alone and another 40,000 that die from accidents. Since the overwhelming majority of folks are repulsed at the idea of eating human flesh, those 75,000 bodies would probably allow for enough meat to go around for those who would wish to try it.

Glad to see at least some guys think about this inevitable future logically! Zam's take it even futhrer!
I dont agree that its practical or needed, first theres research to suggest that most people have a unique chemical enzgme that if consumed can cause and speed up dementia in humans and other animals. second the japanese are pioneering a new technique for reprocess meat that would be a much better ethical albeit different alternative. Currently you can by beef that has been extracted and reprocessed/cured from human waste plants. Thats right, you can can literally share meals after the fact.

Third is that in the U.S. only we create enough food to healthily feed 8 million fit adults. And thats considering that most fertile land in the U.S. is not actually used for food production. So I would argue the biggest step would be finding better means of distribution that are cheap and effective rather than turn to the population. And even if it got dire you could always build cities underground where the soil is even better to house and feed a expanding population if space exploration was not yet developed enough for other planetary colonization
I think the problem with it would be the fact that it could open the door for chaos. It is said that human flesh can also be addicting. Lets say you make it legal, people get a taste for it then will go to other means to acquire it. Then the already high murder rate would go up. I too would be interested in trying human flesh, but I agree that it would be best if done between consenting individuals.
the only part of a human that is dangerous for consumption as im aware is the brain. it can actually kill but i think everything else should be fine.. im sure the scottish cannibals would love to make human haggis. im sure i read somewhere human hearts and pigs hearts are practically the same even could be used in transplants if donor human hearts became even more rarer and scarce. im only assuming but if you tried eating a pigs heart and thought it was gorgeous meat surely human hearts would taste similar?
Don't even have to thynk twyce about't. There's nothyng wrong wyth votyve cannybalysm'n my opynyon. Lovers or fetyshysts who both wysh to partake'n any act should have the full FREEdom to act. Your body, YOUR ryghts. Of course, people may dysagree dependyng on belyefs; my answer: 'god gyves free wyll'. Would partycularly lyke to share a small pyece of flesh wyth a lover as a symbol of romance/unyty, but only'f they agreed. There's nothyng wrong wyth't 'n my opynyon, as long as the person gyvyng/receyvyng has CHOYCE.

We arguebly kyll potentyal chyldren vya sex and masturbayshun, s't 'wrong'? Just because an argument has a hystory of 'reasonyng' behynd't does not make't 'ryght'.

There are web sites for this subject though whether any are for real is a different matter. Zambian Meat is a good one.
no it should not be legal. that would spoil the who fun thing. imagine there is a serial cannibal running lose. goes after hot, college boys. he grabs one and the poor kid knows what is about to happen to him....all the struggling and screaming and cumming.....by the cannibal that last one
Jonathan Swift suggested utilization of unwanted Irish babies centuries ago. I wrote something along the same line as a homage to his work in college writing class. The guy who peer-reviewed my essay thought I got irked. Well, it is just a joke. Really.
I am actually thinking of writing a story about a dystopian future where the dead are eaten by their relatives and beloved as part of everyday life. Or something more sinister than that.
Yess, it could be a perfectly way to choose how anyone would likes to die if he will be suffering in long diseases..But ,who would like to eat a not much fresh meat?..Perhpas a good friend? You'll thing that you could love as much as eat your lover and belong for ever into you?.. There is a movie about it.
Een so i like cannibalism roleplayings and some real video watched in other sites. I like cannibal rituals..specially with cute white dudes explorers, yumm!
does drinking blood considered as cannibalism? i love to drink blood..i dont know y..its my nature..i get addcted to it..i used to withdraw blood from my bestfren using a syringe..we r medical stdnts, so nothng big deal about that..but its just i love blood so much..n some of my frens that found out had called me a freak..im so sensitive when it comes to blood..but since of too much infectious cases, i have to consider whose blood i gonna drink..is that normal? who else here is a bloodseeker?
*disclaimer* It is not my intention To make light of anyone's desires. But this is humorous!

In my town, there was always one particular funeral home that everyone used. Then a few years back a guy broke off from them and started his own. It is really nice and sits on a few acres. Not long after they opened, the family also opened a BBQ restaurant right next door ... This not a joke ... You could even see a path connecting the two. I wish I could tell you the name. The funeral home was the family name and the restaurant was a take off of that name! The restaurant didn't last very long!
Some of you may have enjoyed it!!!!
awesome. Why more guys don't play with realism in photo shoots for making "mind's eye" in digital.... capture clean prep "cook lightly" devour then repeat with a new recipie

I'd love to play.
If had the pedigree history of the corpse and say legal to donate or buy a dude who died in a known way after the body was examined and no needs for it, and it was refrigerated and bleed so there is no deteriation then why not use as meat.

Just don't eat any part of the brain or spine.

those into assistied suicide could sign and then use a self dispatching guillotine....