Awesome art.


Spot the difference!

I know there's a real deader layed out on the table at least as hot and fit as the guy in this pic. Humans are wired to be turned on by the bodies of other humans. There's no getting around that fact. How do you work on a body like that in the morgue, washing him down, and NOT get turned on by handling a "dead in their prime" morgue lay?
I think everyone has necro tendencies. Even if it's a dead body, if the body is hot, you're gonna notice and get turned on. The only people I can think of that would not be turned on by a beautiful body (male or female), lying on a morgue table, all spread out like they're asking for it, are peeps with no sex drive at all. I know there are people like that, and that's cool, each to their own.

Such a gorgeous body! Wow!